Page 85 of A Little Twist
A loud crunch breaks the spell, and I see a big blob of salsa dangling precariously off the edge of her taco over the front of her white dress.
“Whoa, easy there!” I grab a napkin to catch it at the same time as Jessica.
“I can do it.” She goes for the blob, but our hands clash as I scoop it away.
“Looks like I’m in the way here.” Alex steps back, going to the door and pulling it open. “Y’all have fun, and I’ll see you this evening.”
I’m going to murder him.
* * *
“Where’s Adam?”We’re back at the ball park, only today Pinky’s uncle isn’t standing on the pitcher’s mound.
Today Ryan is pitching, and a new kid I don’t know is on first. Owen is on third, and our usual catcher is behind the plate.
“They needed help at the Seamen’s Center in Kiawah, so he drove over early.” Piper stands beside me at the fence watching the kids. “I’ve got Owen today.”
“Don’t you need to work?” I look over at where the boys are setting up the tee for Crimson.
“I can take a day off. Not much breaking news other than Redford Park, which seems to be splitting the town between the old-timers and the newcomers. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out once Patricia gets back from Italy.”
“I’ve got some breaking news.” Stepping to the side, I gesture between my friend and the newcomer. “Piper Jackson, meet Jessica Meade.”
Jessica steps forward. “Nice to meet you, Piper.”
“Piper publishes the town paper, theEureka Gazette.”
“Publishes, edits, writes, photographs. I’m it.” Piper’s brow furrows, and she studies Jessica a beat before looking over to the dugout where Pinky is helping Crimson with her helmet. “Are you?”
“She’s Pinky’s mom.” Another forced smile lifts my cheeks, but my friend knows me better than that.
“Well… that is breaking news. Does Pinky know?”
“No,” I say under my breath. “We’re keeping a lot of things from her these days.”
“We think it’s best to wait a few days.” Jessica says it like she made the decision. “Get to know each other first.”
“I see.” Piper’s eyes move from her to me again, and I can read her mind.Are you okay?
No, my mind replies.I’m definitely not okay.
“Hi, ladies! What did I miss?” Julia trots up breathless to where we’re standing just in time to see Crimson at the tee. “Oh no, here we go again.”
“I’m surprised you got her out there!” I step to the side, allowing her space at the fence.
“Pinky gave her a pep talk.” Julia laughs. “I think it was more along the lines of ‘Don’t be a baby’ and ‘Owen’s just a boy’ more than anything.”
“Oh, no!” Jessica’s eyes are wide, and she appears truly concerned. “I’m so sorry. She should be more sensitive.”
“It was really hilarious and probably just what she needed.” Julia’s brow furrows. “We haven’t met…”
“I’m Jessica.” She shoots out a hand. “Pinky’s mom.”
Julia straightens fast. “Pinky’s…”
“She just arrived in town,” I explain quickly. “We’re getting to know each other first.”
“I see.” Julia smiles tentatively, looking from Jessica to me. “So are you okay?”