Page 112 of A Little Luck
“Where’s your helmet?” I cross my arms, and he makes a growling sound before stomping over to the patio to pick it up.
Helmet in place, I follow him out to the driveway, and he drops the board. I watch as he pushes off, rising into the air and starting to turn. Just as he reaches the ground, he falls off to the side, and the board shoots into the grass.
“Aw, man!” He follows it to the grass and drops down onto his back. “I had it.”
“You gotta work your shoulders!” Ryan runs over and grabs the abandoned board.
I cross my arms, watching as he drops it before pushing off and catching air then flipping his body around along with the skateboard before hitting the concrete and gliding up to Aiden’s parked truck.
“It’s all in your body.” Ryan carries it back to his friend, who’s still lying on the grass.
Only now Edward, Britt’s bloodhound, is licking him on the forehead.
“I can’t do it,” Owen groans, pushing Edward away from his face.
“Yeah, you can.” I walk over and reach out a hand to him. “It’s a tough trick. Most people aren’t comfortable skating backwards.”
“I did it last night.” He grabs my hand, sitting up with his shoulders slumped.
“I believe you.” I pull him up and rub his back. “You might get the Pop Shuvit first.”
“I almost did a backside 180 last night!” Ryan jumps beside me, holding my hand. “Then I fell on my butt.”
I take out my phone. “You know what Tony Hawk says about the backside 180?”
“What?” He blinks his mother’s eyes up at me, and I scrub his head, loving him a little more every day.
“He says you have to use The Force to land it.”
Both boys snort laughs, and Owen runs up to grab my other hand. “I’m going as Tony Hawk for Halloween this year!”
“Want to spend the night at my place tonight with Ryan? You can practice on my ramp.”
“Yeah!” He jumps up and down, and I pull out my phone to let Britt and Aiden know they’re off the hook for trick-or-treating.
I’m sure Britt will be relieved.
“Come on. We’ve got a pumpkin to carve.”
* * *
Piper was upand out of bed this morning when I opened my eyes, claiming she had to get a head start on the Wednesday edition with Halloween happening and Drake’s new deal in Ridgeland.
It gave me enough time to take my special Savannah purchase to Britt’s and get her thoughts on sizing and whether she thinks Piper will like it. She cried, but I don’t know if it’s because she’s pregnant and crying over memes these days or if she’s really impressed with my selection.
She claims it’s the latter, but being pregnant helps.
I plan to have pizzas for the boys and lemon butter Mahi-Mahi with air-fryer broccoli, basmati rice, and a chilled pinot grigio for us when she gets home.
The boys are elbow-deep in pumpkin guts, and I’ve got my phone out taking pictures to send to the group. Owen and Ryan hold up fistfulls of pumpkin pulp while Fudge sticks his whole head in the carved hole at the top of the gourd like a good cat.
Uncle of the year!
Britt adds a cheering emoji, and I imagine she’s on the couch with her feet up right about now.