Page 114 of A Little Luck
I love candy.
That settles it. Lights out and we’ll eat candy all year.
She replies with crying-laughing emojis, and
We’ll give it to the kids. Then I’ll give you a special treat after the boys go to bed.
I reply with a wooden log and the water spray emojis.
Getting serious, I have to let her know.
The judge ruled Ethan’s death justifiable homicide. Marshall left to wrap up his case and let his client know. He asked me to tell you goodbye.
I’m not sure if she’ll reply, and I think about all we’ve learned these past weeks. It feels overwhelming, yet at the same time, it feels like a long time coming.
He was a good man. I hope we see him again.
Me too.
* * *
A few hours later,the sun is setting, and the streets are glowing and buzzing with orange lights and kids in LED necklaces and bracelets. The boys are all decked out in their Halloween costumes when Piper bursts through the door looking like the best thing I’ve ever seen.
A long red curl has escaped her low ponytail, and she’s wearing a black turtleneck and rust-brown corduroy pants.
“Honey, I’m home,” she sighs, walking straight into my arms.
I hug her close to my chest, kissing the tip of her nose. “I’ve got dinner on the stove and a scotch waiting for you by your favorite recliner.”
Her nose wrinkles, and she tilts her head to the side. “Really?”
She laughs more, bending out of my arms as the boys run into the room and Ryan hugs her around the waist. “Check it out, Mom! We made a Jack o’lantern on a skateboard.”
“I love it!” She squeezes him, kissing his head, and my stomach warms.
My family is together like we’re supposed to be.
“Come on, Ryan! There’s Jimmy!” Owen takes off running out the front door, and Ryan steps back to give me a hug.
“Thanks for helping me with my kickflip.”
“You got it, buddy.” I give him a squeeze. “I’ve got pizza waiting when you’re ready.”
He takes off running into the night, and my eyes meet Piper’s. Hers are warm amber, brimming with a shine that echoes my feelings with every heartbeat.
“You’re the only dad he’s ever known.” A wobbly smile curls her lips. “The only dad I ever want him to know.”
Stepping forward, I pull her into my arms. “He was mine the night he was born.”
I lean down to cover her mouth with mine just as the front door explodes with three little voices crying, “Trick or Treat!”