Page 23 of A Little Luck
“I noticed there aren’t any big resorts. Max said there’s not even regular jet service.”
“We have to hop over to Maui if we need to go anywhere.”
It reminds me of Eureka. “What do people do for work?”
“The usual.” She seems a bit defensive. “We have jobs in the service industry, in retail, and in local government.”
“Doesn’t sound like much for an entire island. Unemployment must be high.”
“We have what we need, and we’re not interested in being overrun with outsiders like the other islands.”
“Sounds like I’m right at home.” I glance at Max, and he lifts his chin knowingly.
“Tell me, Mr. Stone, what do you do that allows you to stay with me for an indefinite period of time?”
“It’s more the result of not taking a vacation in three years. They begged me to go.”
“I doubt that.” She winks. “But who are they?”
“I work in the service industry. I help run local food banks, fly doctors on medical missions, that sort of thing.”
Her blank eyes brighten. “We could use a good pilot here, should you decide to stay. Families often need to get to the mainland to visit relatives or have surgeries or go to school.”
“My brother’s getting married in a month, so I’ll have to go back for that. Otherwise…” Sliding my hands into my pockets, I look out over the island. “I’m glad to help any way I can.”
Stepping closer, she touches my face lightly with her fingertips. She starts with my forehead, going down to my cheeks, then my jaw.
Her brow lowers as if she’s disappointed, and I exhale a laugh. “Something wrong?”
“You’re very handsome.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“I don’t know.” She turns and starts down the path to her house. “I guess we’ll find out.”
“Really, Drake? A dog for mayor?” Cass’s disgusted voice cuts through the small crowd of Eureka residents gathered in front of the gazebo in the middle of town square.
Drake Redford, her douchey ex-boyfriend turned mega real-estate developer, stands beside Harold Waters, owner of the Popcorn Palace out on the old Beach Road.
Harold is wearing a white T-shirt with “Bo for Mayor” on it in red, white, and blue, and standing between the two men is a friendly yellow lab with his tongue hanging out.
One of Harold’s employees is walking through the crowd passing out popcorn balls decorated with the stickers of the dog candidate.
“Bo is excited and eager to try new things.” Drake ignores my friend’s protest. “He’s pro-business and willing to listen to the citizens.”
“Does he comply with the pooper-scooper ordinance?” Terra Belle quips from the middle of the crowd.
I press my lips together, making a note in my steno pad. I record everything for my articles on my phone, but I make notes of things I want to be sure and remember in my write-up. This is going to be front-page news in the Sunday edition of theEureka Gazette.
Looking around, I estimate a crowd of at least twenty-five has gathered. Alex Stone is standing beside Cass with a furious expression on his face and his daughter Pinky on his hip.
“Have a popcorn ball, Terra.” Harold gestures to one of his employees, who extends the basket to her.
“How do I know it’s not dog food?” Terra is one of the original Eureka residents, and she’s never afraid to speak her mind.