Page 74 of A Little Luck
“Martha’s a prepper, or asurvivalistas she calls it.”
His bushy brows lower. “One of those people who believe the world’s about to end?”
“Yep, and while that house doesn’t look like much, you should see her cellar.” I remember all the times we sneaked underground to marvel at her doomsday stockpile. “She’s been working on it since they moved here. It has rifles, a crank radio, walkie-talkies, hydroponic gardens, sun lamps, and enough food and fuel to last, hell, probably a year.”
He doesn’t move for several seconds, studying the cedar-plank structure hidden behind pine trees and scrub brush. “A whole year?”
“I’m just guessing, but probably.” We continue walking, following the circle that will take us back to town by way of the newspaper office.
“A survivalist…” Marshall scratches his chin, and I can’t tell if he’s confused or impressed.
I’ve always thought it was impressive, but Piper always hated her mom’s obsession when we were growing up.
“It’s kind of embarrassing to Piper, so maybe don’t ask too many questions. Martha is more interested in talking about it than Piper is.”
“Isn’t that always the way?” His chuckle morphs into a cough, and he finishes off his cigar. “The kooks always want to tell you all their wild ideas.”
“You know those things will kill you.” I nod towards the stogie in his hand.
“Eh, being alive will kill you.”
I can’t really argue with him. We’re approaching theGazetteoffice, and Piper’s small house sits in the bushes behind it. “You recognize this place?”
“Toilet through the roof.” He nods.
“It was the original newspaper publisher’s home, built back in 1922, just before theGazettewas founded.”
“It’s in pretty good shape to be so old—and in this climate.”
“It’s on the historical register.”
Ryan was just starting kindergarten when I helped her move here. It was the summer I came back from the Navy, and I had one objective—proving to Piper I’d changed. For so long, nothing I did seemed to matter, and now this weekend, it feels like everything has happened so fast.
Have her tell you straight-out why you can’t be together… Shelia’s words haunt my mind. I haven’t asked her, and we’re still not together. Even with all our stolen moments and hot-as-fuck sex, she’s still holding back. She’s still hiding something. She said after the wedding, but will it change then? Or is this my last week in Eureka?
“Thanks for the tour.” Marshall touches his head like a salute.
“You’re not coming inside?”
“I think I got what I need. Maybe you should do the same.”
Again, I can’t argue. “Let me know if you think of anything else.”
When I enter the office, Jemima hops up and walks to the counter to meet me. “Hiya, handsome. Got some breaking news?”
Today her blonde hair is twisted up in a bun, and her bangs rest on her thick, black eyelashes. She’s still doing the Taylor Swift thing, but I hold back on the teasing.
“Does the wedding tomorrow count?”
“Everybody knows that’s coming.” Leaning forward on the counter, she drops her voice, looking side to side. “I’ve got a feeling something’s coming with Drake Redford. He hasn’t done anything since he pulled that dog-for-mayor stunt, and he’s a total disrupter.”
“The dog-for-mayor stunt was only last week.” Piper breezes up beside her, placing a stack of papers on the counter.
The sound of her voice perks up my insides. I haven’t seen her since I left her in bed this morning, tangled in my sheets with her red hair spilling over my pillow. Now she’s all business in a black turtleneck with that pretty hair in a high ponytail. Her eyes are more amber than green today, and when she looks up at me, I want to pull her to my chest and kiss her.
Walking around with Marshall, it really hit me how difficult growing up with Martha must’ve been. I was so wrapped up in losing my dad and all my shit, it didn’t occur to me she was doing her best to have a normal life, while her mom was doing her best to stockpile for the end of the world.
I guess in her own way, Martha was being a good mom, thinking she was protecting her daughter. Maybe if I’d paid better attention, things might be different? Is it possible Rex gave her the security she needed?