Page 98 of A Little Luck
Twisting my lips, I think about it.
Not yet. I’ll check with your mom then Carol.
Keep me posted!
If Gwen doesn’t know where she is, and Cass’s aunt hasn’t heard from her, I’ll bring the sheriff in on this. I can’t help thinking what a great time for Adam to go MIA.
My chest pinches at the thought of him. He hugged me, kissed my cheek, and left without any explanation. I want to cry, but my insides are too confused. Instead, I’m quietly waiting.
Gravel crunches under my feet as I approach Gwen’s rambling farmhouse. It’s all decked out with Halloween decorations, and unlike my mother’s house, her yard is neatly mowed.
Several rose bushes line the front walk, and they fill the air with their clean, sweet perfume. It’s so Gwen to have rose bushes leading to her house.Magical.
I walk up the driveway, past a large picture window overlooking the street, to the kitchen entrance in the back. Gwen is always in the kitchen brewing up tea or some other concoction.
She’s not a witch, but she doesn’t fight the appearance too hard.
“Gwen?” I jog up the steps, tapping on the screen door before opening it. “Have you seen my mom…”
The question dies on my lips when I realize she’s not alone.
“Piper.” She stands, fixing serious hazel eyes on me. “Have you met Ethan McClure?”
My heart beats faster, and I see Old Bird Eyes sitting at the small table in Gwen’s kitchen. A deck of arcana cards is in front of him, and in addition to a reading, they’re sharing what looks like either banana bread or carrot cake and tea.
“Yes.” I take a cautious step inside, easing the screen door closed behind me. “He’s searching for someone.”
Ethan stands, and he’s in a different tweed suit. His dark hair is pushed back from his face, but a piece is caught on his cheek, in his beard.
“Piper Jackson, publisher of theEureka Gazette.” He says the words like he’s reading my byline. “We met the other day.”
My eyes flicker to Gwen’s, and she’s deadly calm.
“I wasn’t sure if you girls were finished at the Star Parlor, so I invited him here for a reading.” She smiles like she’s in complete control of the situation, and she walks to the table where her cards are waiting. “The spirits never let me down.”
“Would you like to join us?” Ethan watches me in that too-intense way. “There’s plenty for three.”
“Oh, no. Piper can’t have any of the breakfast bread.” Gwen looks at Ethan. “It has walnuts in it, and she’s very allergic.”
I’m not allergic to walnuts, but I’m not stupid enough to correct her.
“It’s okay. I was just… ah…” I’m thinking fast. “I spent the night with Britt, and we thought you might like to walk down and have breakfast with us. But I guess not.”
“Thank you for the invitation. Tell Brigitte I’ll stop by this afternoon and check on her.” She smiles, turning her attention briefly to Ethan. “My daughter is expecting. Now, if that’s all…”
Her hand is on my elbow, and she leads me to the front door, which is down a long hall, past the living room and the stairwell, away from the kitchen.
My eyes lock on hers when we reach the door, and I silently mouth,Are you okay?
Her expression is fixed, and she practically shoves me out the front door, speaking barely above a whisper. “The other place.” Her voice rises just as fast. “See you this afternoon.”
The door closes in my face, and I turn, looking out at the old country road.
My heart beats faster, and I think about what she said.
What other place?