Page 35 of The Holiday Puppy
“Maybe you won’t be going to that airport after all, lady. Neither of you. Now keep that dog quiet or I’m gonna shoot him.” He waved his gun toward an alley behind them. “And don’t even think about yelling for help or I’ll shoot you both.”
Porch lights started turning on up and down the street. A door slammed and a deep voice shouted“Quiet!”
Farther down, someone stepped out into the street to see what was going on.
Sniper just barked louder...and God bless him for that.
“You have far too many witnesses here,” Nick said in a low voice. “Look around. People are watching at their windows. By now, at least three of them have called 911, and far more are loading their handguns, thinking there might be danger. This isn’t the O.K. Corral in some old Western, Willard. Maybe you should just leave while you can.”
Willard shot a glare at Nick. “Shutup.”
“It’s true.” Lucy took a shaky breath, trying to calm her racing heart. Willard had shifted into a pool of light, and now she could see the damage she had done to his nose when he’d first come after her a lifetime ago. The faint scar on face visible on his mugshot. “The cops already know who you are. If anything happens here, they’ll know exactly who did it.”
“Not if you’re both dead.” Willard’s voice took on an eerie, keening note as he aimed the gun at her heart.
“Look at all of the witnesses, Willard.” His voice low and soothing, Nick eased in front of Lucy. “Think.Leave now and you can still get away.”
Surely even Willard realized it was a lie.
Another door slammed a couple of houses down.
His eyes wild, Willard swung his head to take in the scene around him. The windows filled with light. The faces peering out.
The gun wobbled in his hand.
Nick grabbed it and stepped back. Willard launched after him, his fist drawn and his teeth bared with fury.
Barking furiously, still in full guard dog mode, Sniper darted closer and nailed Willard on his bare ankle. Willard tried to shake Sniper off. He careened to one side and staggered, his arms flailing wildly.
Nick shot forward, trying to catch him.
But the man’s bulk and momentum took over. He spun away on his heel. And then he fell backward.
The horriblecrackof his head hitting the edge of the cement curb was something Lucy never, ever wanted to hear again.