Page 6 of The Holiday Puppy
But how safe was she, really?
Whether she’d witnessed an assault or a murder tonight, the perpetrator clearly thought she could identify him.
And if he ever caught sight of her, she might be praying for her life.
As promised, Nick haddropped off a bag of small-breed puppy kibble last night. He also brought chew toys, dog shampoo, and something called a self-cleaning slicker brush for dealing with a tangled and matted coat.
And, bless his heart, he’d insisted on walking with her to a vet clinic this morning.
Apparently, Sniper had been given some house training along the way because he waited until she took him outside first thing in the morning to do his business.
And then she got to work.
By the time she finished working on Sniper’s coat and giving him a bath—involving two rounds of shampoo and lengthy rinsing—most of his dirt was on her, and the bathroom was a complete disaster.
But two fluffy white bath towels later, he was mostly dry and looked nothing like the pup he’d been yesterday, even if the white towels were a lost cause.
He was shaggy and badly needed a trim. But instead of solid, dingy gray, he was pristine white with silver splotches here and there, though his ears, tail, and part of his head were charcoal.
He looked up at her with adoring eyes as she put his collar back on. “Who are you, little guy? You’re far too handsome to be a stray.”
Had he been lost or stolen?
A text chimed into her cell phone and she felt a twinge in her heart. Nick had arrived to come with her to the vet, so the answer might come far too soon.
And she already knew it would be hard to give this puppy up.
* * * *
“THAT CAN’T BE THE SAMEdog,” Nick drawled when Lucy and Sniper met him on the sidewalk. “I think you traded him in for a new model.”
“You wouldn’t say that if you could see the state of my bathroom. But he sure cleaned up well. I wonder what kind of dog he is?”
“A small breed mix.” Nick ran a hand over Sniper’s back. “Maybe a broken-coat Jack Russell with some wire-hair doxie or border terrier in the mix. Possibly some Yorkie. But without a DNA test you won’t know for sure.”