Page 16 of Ryland
Saint punched a fist into the seat and Ryland could only shake his head.
It had to be a mistake. There’s no way Tanner was dead.
“No…no…” Ryland refused to accept it. “Tanner, you fucker, wake up!” His voice cracked and a rage like he’d never known before filled him. He grabbed Tanner’s shoulders and shook him.
“Rip—” Pharaoh laid a hand on his shoulder.
“Not Tanner,” Ryland mewled. “He was the good one.”
Pharaoh squeezed Ryland’s shoulder as reality came crashing down all around him.
“We still have bad guys to take down…and waves to catch…” Ryland’s fingers curled into Tanner’s bullet-torn t-shirt and he bent over his best friend, feeling his warm blood soaking through the soft cotton.
Ryland let out a guttural roar and dropped his head between his shoulders.
Whoever did this would pay. And they would pay with blood.
They finally reconnected with Banshee on the flight home and exchanged every piece of information they had while Pharaoh kept trying to get ahold of Merlin.
But their handler wasn’t answering.
That was their first clue that something had gone more than just sideways with the op. Merlin always answered.
“We were set up,” Ryland said in a dull, lifeless voice. He sat on the floor beside the body bag that held Tanner while the others attended to their individual wounds. He’d never felt so numb in his life. Like someone had torn his heart out then anesthetized him.
Bruja knelt down beside him. “Come with me, Rip. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Ryland glanced down and realized he was still covered in Tanner’s blood. His stomach and heart revolted as one and he let Bruja help him up and guide him to the plane’s bathroom. His emotions were cycling—first rage and anger followed by denial then grief and now a desolate sadness covered him like a burial shroud.
His best friend was gone.
“Wash up, okay?” She handed him a washcloth, gently squeezed his arm and then stepped out of the small area, pulling the door closed behind her. It was his first moment alone since finding Tanner in that godforsaken garage, and he stared at his reflection in the mirror.
Unshed tears brightened his cobalt eyes to a lighter, brighter blue and he grit his jaw so hard he was surprised he didn’t crack a tooth.Why Tanner?Ryland would rather it had been him.
Cursing under his breath, he pulled off the saturated coveralls followed by his blood-stained shirt and threw them in the trash. He never wanted to see any of it again. Moving in slow motion, he wet the washcloth and dragged it over his arms and chest, rinsing it until the water ran clear, then washed his hands again and again under the barely lukewarm water, scrubbing until his skin felt raw.
As the water turned colder, a burning need ignited inside of him. The need to find out who had done this to Tanner. Who had given them up to the wolves. Who was going to pay with their lives.
They’d been betrayed. Ryland knew it in his gut and, as a lone tear tracked down his stony face, he vowed revenge.
And payback would be a bitch. He’d make sure of that.
Chapter Six
Harper spent all Friday morning combing through her closet. She hated everything she owned. Deep down, she knew her wardrobe was fine, but that rational voice was drowned out by pre-date anxiety. Nothing was right for dinner with Ryland. When panic started screaming through her mind, she shut it up by convincing her sister to join her on a whirlwind shopping spree to find the perfect first date outfit.
Two hours later, Harper did a twirl in front of her mirror, finally satisfied with her choice. Savannah encouraged her to get something cute, not too sexy, but also not too prim either. After trying on a stack of clothes, Harper picked out a sundress that was flirty, fun and on sale. Paired with tall summer wedges she borrowed from Savannah, her legs looked a little bit longer and she loved that. She’d pulled her long blonde hair back in a high ponytail and kept her makeup light. She knew she’d spent way more time getting ready than she probably should have and her nerves were all over the place.
It was almost 6 PM and he’d be walking over soon. After a final quick check in the mirror, she brushed her teeth, grabbed her wristlet and sat down on the couch to wait.
And wait…and wait…
By 6:15, she convinced herself that he was running late.
By 6:30, she was pacing back and forth and looking out the window every ten seconds.