Page 50 of Ryland
“Not yet,” Ryland reported.
They cuddled for a while, soaking up the sun and people-watching. Harper had never seen people so free with their bodies. Some wore bathing suits, some didn’t bother, but no one seemed to mind either way.
After a while, they noticed couples partnering up and disappearing either into the grotto or a large striped tent at the other end of the pool. Harper knew they’d eventually have to witness some of the sexy shenanigans going on at the resort and it looked like the time had arrived.
“Care to check out the grotto, Mrs. Rogers?” Ryland asked in a low voice, lips brushing the shell of her ear.
Harper pulled in a nervous breath and nodded. “Sure.”
Time to get into let’s-swap-partners mode. Not that she would, though. Ryland was one-hundred percent her man and she wasn’t interested in anyone else. She had a feeling this trip was going to really test her limited acting skills. Feigning interest in someone else just might be a role too difficult to play.
As they strolled over to the grotto and walked into the large cave-like structure behind the waterfall, Harper chewed nervously on her lower lip. The place was clearly a popular sex spot. The first thing she saw was a man and woman fucking up against the smooth wall. A few people watched them while others engaged in some seriously hot and heavy petting in groups of various sizes.
Her steps faltered and Ryland took her hand and squeezed it. When she looked up into his bright blue eyes, he whispered, “I got you.”
Harper trusted him as he led her over to a dim corner and down into the warm, swirling water of a heated pool that could easily accommodate ten people. The bubbles felt amazing and she tried not to stare at the other couples who were kissing and fondling each other. Trying her best not to look uncomfortable, she followed Ryland across the pool to sit near the only couple not engaging in some form of sexual activity. When she took a closer look, she almost gasped as she recognized the man whose picture Banshee had provided.
It was Lester Tillman.
She quickly schooled her features to hide her shock at their good luck in finding him so quickly. Her discomfort took a backseat to her desire to help Ryland and his team. It was go-time. Time to get to work and find out his room number so they could break in and copy all the info on his laptop. But first, they were going to have to get buddy-buddy with him and his partner. Not something she was looking forward to doing, but that’s why they were there. It was a good reminder they were not, in fact, a normal couple on vacation.
She noticed the woman’s tropical drink garnished with a pineapple wedge and leaned closer. “That looks delicious,” Harper said with a friendly smile. “What is it?”
“A Bahama Mama,” she answered and took a sip.
“I’ll have to get one of those. My husband loves pineapples,” Harper added.
Tillman chuckled. “I’ll bet he does. You know what they say about drinking pineapple juice.”
Actually, she didn’t. A slight frown drew her brows together and Ryland’s mouth edged up.
“I think it works both ways,” Ryland said, his hand covering her leg beneath the water.
“From my experience, drinking a good-sized glass of pineapple juice a couple of hours before the deed can help make certain bodily fluids even more enjoyable.” Tillman couldn’t seem to pry his eyes off Harper and she tried not to squirm.
“Is that so?” she asked, doing her best to sound at ease and sexy. “Well, then let’s order a round of Bahama Mamas!”
Tillman barked out a laugh and she felt Ryland’s fingers tighten around her thigh.Sorry, Ryland, but we have to play their game.
“I’m Annabelle and this is my husband Freddy,” Harper said, doing her best to keep a straight face when she introduced Ryland.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Annabelle.” Tillman’s eyes dipped, trying to see beneath the jacuzzi’s bubbles. “I’m John and this is Jackie.”
Sure,Harper thought, but she grinned, and they all shook hands. Tillman held hers for a moment too long and Ryland bristled beside her. The good news was they’d made contact and they had their first names, so now Banshee would be able to figure out what room they were staying in. The bad news was she worried Ryland would go all caveman on Tillman if he got too friendly and blow their cover. But he was a trained operative, right? He’d get himself together. She placed her hand on his knee and started drawing little circles and hearts along his skin, hoping to settle his mind with a reminder that she was all his.
It wasn’t hard to charm the older couple. They enjoyed the attention and Harper pulled out all the stops, flirting outrageously with them for the next forty-five minutes. Ryland did his fair share, too, and it didn’t take long until Tillman was enamored with Harper and Jackie was panting over Ryland.
“Look, we have a scuba lesson in ten minutes,” Tillman said, voice laced in disappointment. “But I think we’d both like to see you later.”
“Definitely,” Jackie added, batting her faux lashes at Ryland.
“Why don’t you join us for dinner at the restaurant? Say six o’clock?” Tillman couldn’t pry his eyes off Harper and she did her best to appear interested.
“Sounds like a plan,” Ryland said.
“Good. We’ll see you then.”
Harper watched them stand up and said a silent prayer of thanks that Tillman wasn’t naked. As they passed by, he reached over and trailed his fingers beneath Harper’s jaw. “See you soon, Annabelle.”