Page 59 of Ryland
After the security guard left, Ryland waited patiently as Tillman set his briefcase on the table, unlatched it and removed a laptop. Then he began typing.
Since Tillman sat at an angle, Ryland couldn’t get the laptop’s screen on camera. But he could pick up sound and when a man greeted Tillman, Ryland leaned forward, listening closely to their exchange.
“When will you be back in the country?” the mysterious man asked, voice sounding displeased. “We have five loose ends to eliminate and you’re flitting around in the Caribbean.”
“I understand that, Mr. Smith, and I assure you we’re working on it. We didn’t expect them to escape Abu Dhabi or the mercs sent to take them out.”
“Clearly, you’re underestimating them and that makes you a fool. This team is the best of the best. Have you forgotten that?”
Tillman hung his head like a scolded dog. “No, sir. We also sent the best of the best to handle the situation.”
“Really? Because only one of Ex Nihilo is down. What the fuck are you waiting for?” he growled.
“Cipher assured us—”
“Don’t blame anyone else for your error in judgment or incompetence,” Mr. Smith snapped. “I don’t like when people fail me and I will only tolerate it for so long. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes,” Tillman practically whined. Then he perked up. “Maybe we alter the plan—send in the Cardinal now?”
For a moment, the other man didn’t respond. “No,” he finally said. “The Cardinal is a last resort.”
“Fine,” Tillman ground out, clearly unhappy. “The call’s been put in to the Merciers and we’re waiting for their response.”
“I suggest you figure it out fast because if you don’t get the situation resolved soon, don’t be surprised to find your name added to our list.”
“Understood. I won’t let you down.”
Cipher, the Cardinal, the Merciers…
Who the hell are all these people?Ryland wondered as they finished their virtual meeting. And was Lester Tillman really a member of The Agency? Because Mr. Smith seemed to be the one in charge while Tillman seemed more like an underling. Could Banshee’s list of names be wrong? Was there more to it than what he’d uncovered so far?
After once again ensuring Mr. Smith that he would take care of everything, Tillman politely said goodbye. Once Smith disconnected the call, Tillman slammed the laptop closed and cursed loudly.
Ryland carefully retracted the small pole and detached the camera. He folded it up and stashed everything back in his pack. Time to get the hell out of there. But first, he had to wait for security to escort Tillman off the ship. Then he’d make a break for it and return to Harper.
“Rip!” Banshee’s voice vibrated through his comms loudly. “They discovered the looping footage and cams are back up! You need to get out of there now!”
Funny how things never went as planned.
Chapter Nineteen
Shit.Ryland hadn’t been compromised yet, but the second he stepped into the hallway, he knew they’d see him on the CCTV footage. Spinning around, he jogged over to check out the window situation. Maybe he could jump out and swim back.
A quick scan told him they were sealed shut. For decoration and light only.No way out there.Ryland moved back over to the door, pulled it open a crack and looked out. A security team of five was heading up the south corridor, opening doors and checking rooms as they made their way forward.
“Sonofabitch.” Ryland reached for his two-way radio and did the only thing he could do. He called Harper, his Plan B. Keeping the volume and his voice low, he hissed, “Harper? Do you copy?”
There was a slight crackle and she immediately responded. “I copy. What’s happening?”
“I need a distraction, sweetheart. Can you drive that boat over here and cause a really fucking big one? Because cams are up and I need to jump onto that boat with you.”
A brief, silent pause met his ears. Then, “Yes. Hang on, Ryland, I’m coming.”
“Shit! Shit! Shit!”
Harper turned the key in the boat’s ignition and crossed her fingers. She’d never driven a boat before in her life and she tried to calm her mind as she recalled what Ryland had shown her on their way out. She also kept picturing that scene fromWeekend at Bernie’swhen the characters couldn’t get the boat out of the harbor and realized only too late that boats don’t have brakes.