Page 7 of Ryland
So, yeah, she’d definitely sworn off jerks.
“I think it’s more that I swore off assholes.”
“All men are assholes,” Savannah stated evenly, the thick, impenetrable wall around her heart after being cheated on firmly in place. She didn’t forgive or forget, and she’d never moved on from the prick who made her hide her broken heart away from the world. Harper hoped that one day a good man would come along and help her sister heal. But, in the meantime, she was much more anti-men than Harper. Savvy thought they were all Satan’s spawn.
Harper, on the other hand, was ready to dance with the devil. Especially since from the little she knew about Ryland, he couldn’t be further from the 5’7” pretty boy who had used more facial products than she did.
And then there was the incredible swarm of butterflies that took flight every time she saw Ryland. Indescribable yumminess.
“Just be careful,” Savannah said. “No good ever comes from opening your heart to the wrong person.”
“I know. But we have to be hopeful, right?”
Savannah just snorted and shook her head.
“Look at Mom and Dad,” Harper reminded her. “They had a great relationship and loved each other so much.”
“They were one in a million,” Savannah said softly.
Charlie and Libby Grant were the exception to the rule. They were high school sweethearts, married right after graduation and assumed they’d immediately start a family. But after years of trying, Libby never conceived and they eventually gave up. Then, at forty-four, she suddenly and miraculously got pregnant with Savannah, and Harper followed less than two years later.
When their mom passed away a little over a year ago, their dad followed three months later. It’s like he couldn’t live without her. They were the perfect example of true love. Harper wished they could’ve had more time with them. More time to make more memories. The ones she had were wonderful but didn’t seem nearly enough to soften the blow of losing them both.
They needed new memories now, and it’s why Savannah named the restaurant Charlie’s Place, after their dad. Everyone was always welcome in their home and often neighbors would come over and hang out, affectionately telling their friends they’d see them at Charlie’s place. Opening the restaurant in honor of their parents was something both girls really wanted, and now Savannah was running into all sorts of difficulties.
“I’m going to help you get this place up and running,” Harper assured her sister. “Whatever it takes, we’ll get it done. For Mom and Dad.”
“Thanks, sis.” Savannah slung an arm around Harper’s shoulders and the sisters leaned their heads together. “Sorry, I’m so anti-men lately. I hope you have fun on your date tomorrow.”
An image of Ryland’s cobalt blue eyes filled Harper’s head and she grinned. “I have a feeling it could be the start of something good.”
“I hope so.”
“Maybe he has a cute friend.” Harper nudged her sister.
“Not interested.”
“Hmm, that’s what you say now, but if he has some hot former SEAL buddy, you might change your tune.”
“Don’t hold your breath.” Savannah slid a fresh piece of sandpaper over to Harper. “Get working. We have a lot to do.”
“Aye-aye, sis.” Harper gave her a sloppy salute and then began to sand the hell out of the bartop, her thoughts inevitably drifting back to Ryland and their upcoming date. She had high hopes and it was time for her luck to change.
And, hey, I could use a little excitement in my life.
Chapter Three
At exactly 4 PM, Ryland and his team sat down at the rectangular table and waited while Banshee, their impressive tech guru, set up the call with their handler. Ryland knew Banshee had to be former intelligence of some kind. With that laptop of his, the man could find a needle in a haystack while blindfolded and his hands tied behind his back while whistling“Zip-a-dee-doo-dah.”Quite simply, Banshee was the best and he could find or hack anything. He was also the voice in their ear on missions and Ryland appreciated his calm, steady approach to every job they undertook.
They all went by code names, and unlike military nicknames, they were able to choose these. So instead of some dumbass embarrassing callsign dropped on them because they fucked something up, they picked ones they actually wanted.
Ryland, AKA Rip, looked over the group gathered and felt just as comfortable in their combined capabilities and skill set as he had with his former SEAL team. They were developing that special bond that eventually happens to tight teams over time, and the teasing and banter was becoming second nature as they got to know each other better. The comfort started making him wonder what their real names were, where they lived, what they liked to do in their spare time. And those were dangerous thoughts when their orders were to avoid personal relationships.
Ex Nihilo, the name of their team, meant “Out of Nothing” in Latin. Personal lives stayed off the table. For the most part, anyway. Tanner and Ryland were the clear exception and they tried not to broadcast it too much, but he had a feeling the others knew.
Don’t ask, don’t tell.It was their motto.
The name Ex Nihilo sounded cool as shit. Too bad nobody could ever remember it. They were always debating on the right way to pronounce it and every time Pharaoh educated them, somebody forgot. Finally, Tanner started calling them the Ex Men because it was easier. And, of course, that pissed off Bruja, the lone female member of their team.