Page 73 of Ryland
“I will,” Savannah promised.
Harper hesitated, looking around the restaurant. “You’ll be okay?”
“Go,” Savannah told her. “And thank you. I’ll talk to you soon, right?”
“Yeah, soon. Love you, sis.”
“Love you, too.”
After the emotional goodbye, Ryland and Harper headed to the private airstrip. The team was already waiting and when they saw Harper, they all paused.
“Why is she here?” Saint demanded, exhaling a cloud of smoke through his nostrils. He took another long drag of his cigarette then flicked the butt away.
Ryland and Harper lifted their hands and flashed their wedding bands. “My wife goes where I go.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Banshee exclaimed, his eyes lighting up behind his glasses. “Dude, congratulations!”
“Oh, my God!” Bruja cried and ran over to give them both a big hug. “I’m so happy for you both.”
Pharaoh raised a brow then muttered his congratulations. He didn’t look too surprised.
Gray Ellis stood off to the side and Ryland waved him over. “Demon, this is Harper. My wife.”
“Nice to meet you,” Harper said and shook the big man’s hand. “Can I call you something other than Demon, though? Sorry, but it kind of freaks me out.”
“Gray,” he told her. His deep voice was scratchy and his unusual golden eyes glinted like twin amber stones.
“That’s a much better name than Demon,” she said and, for the first time since he’d agreed to be a part of their team, Gray’s mouth edged up in the faintest hint of a smile, though it didn’t reach his eyes.
Harper’s comment also got Ryland thinking and the moment everyone was seated and the plane began taxiing over to the runway, he said, “Now that we’re going deep undercover, I need to know I can trust you guys fully.”
“You don’t trust your team?” Pharaoh asked, gray eyes narrowing.
“I don’t know my team. We’ve been going by codenames and were ordered not to spend time together outside of work. Am I the only one who thought that was a little strange?”
“Normally teams are encouraged to bond,” Banshee agreed.
“Exactly,” Ryland said. “I need to know I can trust each one of you. Keeping Harper safe and bringing down The Agency are my number one priorities. I’m not going to lie—Selma and my dad planted seeds of doubt.”
“Your dad did, too?” Pharaoh asked.
“They both claimed one of us is a traitor. A mole.”
Everyone straightened up, listening closely.
“I need to put my mind at ease, so I’m asking everyone to share their real name and background. Hell, Tanner told me after knowing me for an hour. Yet none of you ever revealed anything.”
“Because we were ordered not to,” Saint said.
“It’s totally suspect,” Bruja agreed. “Yeah, I’d like to know, too.”
Ryland looked over the group. “I’ll go first. If you didn’t already figure it out, my name is Ryland Mills and I’m a former Navy SEAL.”
“Red Squadron?” Banshee asked.
Ryland nodded and flashed the ink on his forearm depicting the tomahawk and red and black feathers. “Never was much of a secret.”