Page 20 of Gray
Pyro?Aubrey could only imagine where that nickname had come from. While they spoke, Aubrey wondered what she was going to do next. Returning to the hotel didn’t seem like a good idea, so she’d probably have to leave her suitcase behind. Which also meant she wouldn’t have her passport, and that would be a huge problem.
Luckily, she had her driver’s license in her pocket after being told to always keep ID on her, and she didn’t have too many personal belongings that couldn’t be replaced. But, the real question was how in the hell was she going to get back into the United States without her passport?
Braxton hung up and addressed the group. “Pyro said to get our asses to the jet. It’s too damn hot now and we need to get out of here while we can.”
“Before they launch a manhunt,” Ryland said. “Because if we get stuck here, we’re fucked.”
“What about Mesa?” Saint asked.
“We’ll deal with him later,” Braxton stated.
“Aubrey is coming with us.” Gray’s voice was firm and she looked over at him, slightly surprised, but incredibly grateful.
“Whoa,” Saint challenged, holding up an inked hand. “That’s a big fuck no. Stick her in a taxi headed for the airport.”
“I don’t have my passport,” she said in a quiet voice. “Just my license.”
“She can’t return to the hotel. It’s too dangerous,” Gray insisted.
“Not our problem,” Saint countered.
A muscle flexed in Gray’s cheek and Aubrey saw his hands clench into fists. “Without a passport, she can’t leave the country on a commercial flight,” he gritted out.
“We don’t know anything about her,” Braxton stated.
Gray’s amber eyes flashed. “She just spent the last year working with Doctors Without Borders. You really think she’s going to pull something?”
“Maybe.” Saint stubbornly crossed his arms, and Aubrey had the distinct impression the man liked being difficult.
“I promise I won’t hurt you, Saint, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Aubrey stated cheekily, and Inda and Zane chuckled. She also noticed the way Gray’s lips twitched.
“I’m pretty sure she’s not one of the bad guys, Saint,” Zane added.
“You guys are dicks,” Saint grumbled. “And, for all you know, she could be a spy.”
“Alright, relax,” Braxton said. “Yes, taking her with us has its risks, but I think we’re more than capable of handling the situation.”
Beside her, Gray relaxed slightly. “We’ll get you to California and then I’ll make sure you get on a flight to Indiana. Okay?”
Aubrey nodded, grateful for the way he was looking out for her. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone made sure she was okay. Well, Garrett had, but that had been a long time ago. “Thank you,” she murmured.
“C’mon, let’s jam,” Ryland said and grabbed a duffel bag.
Watching the team gather their belongings, she’d never felt more like a fish out of water. She didn’t fit in with them. They were obviously a well-oiled machine. A team. And she had a million questions swirling through her head about why they were down there. The bits and pieces of conversation she’d been privy to didn’t reveal too much. They were careful when they spoke, and she had a feeling they were some kind of black ops team who’d come down to eliminate El Escorpión. But that was probably just her imagination running wild after too many years of reading romantic suspense novels and binging shows likeReacher.
Aubrey figured Gray was right, though, and the less she knew, the better. As long as she got back to the States safely, she could hop on a flight back to Indiana. All of this would just be a strange adventure, a faded memory that she could pull up on lonely nights, remembering the former SEAL who’d helped a damsel in distress.
Gray moved up beside her. “Sorry we can’t go back for your stuff.”
“It’s okay. I’m just grateful we made it out of there.”
“Yeah, same.” He motioned for her to follow him. “C’mon, let’s get out of here. I hate this shithole.”
Aubrey followed him out, wondering why he hated Colombia. She loved it there. It’s where she’d found herself, her purpose. The country had given her the peace she’d sought for years after her brother’s tragic death. After her parents forgot she even existed.
As she walked out of the safehouse, she knew a part of her heart would always remain in the humid, rebel-filled, mosquito-infested country. Unlike Gray who couldn’t seem to leave fast enough.
Chapter Eight