Page 32 of Gray
Famous last words. Unfortunately for Gray, he attracted clusterfucks like shit attracted flies.
Gray didn’t bother with his neck gaiter because he didn’t want to draw suspicion or attention by covering his face. Inda’s facial features, however, were almost completely shrouded. But no one would look twice. She merely looked like a well-off woman going about her day.
They casually circled around the tall office building and found an outdoor courtyard where employees chatted or smoked.
“I’ll wait here,” Inda murmured, staying under the slanted alcove and beneath the camera’s reach. Sitting down on a ledge, she pretended to scroll through her phone.
“Roger,” Gray said and separated from her. He headed right through the back door and slipped past a lone security guard who was busy directing a guest to a particular business.
“Tillman is in an office on the twenty-third floor,” Zane said in Gray’s ear. “It’s a financial asset company called Capital West. There’s a rear door near the men’s bathroom that’ll let you into the back corner of the office. The code is 223.”
“Roger that.”
Gray stepped into the elevator and casually turned away from the camera, leaning his shoulder against the cab’s wall. The ride up was swift and when the door slid open, he stepped out.
“Take a right then a left. You should see the rear entrance.”
Gray followed Zane’s instructions and walked right up to the door and punched in the code. There was a slight click as the lock released and he pushed the door open.
“Keep going. Tillman is in the first office on the right, sitting on the sofa.”
“Roger.” Gray moved forward, his boots silent on the carpet. The moment he came around the corner, he spotted two people approaching from the opposite end of the hallway. Gray quickly turned and ducked into the closest office, thankful it was empty.
“Gray, wait!”
“I spotted a couple and slipped into the office next door to Tillman. What’s going on?”
Two muffled shots answered his question.
“Fuck. The Mercier twins just shot Tillman! Get the hell out of there!”
What?Where had the fucking Mercier twins come from?Shit.Just as Gray stepped back into the hall, Julien and Camille Mercier appeared. Both tall, slim and with deadly dark eyes that zeroed in on Gray. As the door closed behind them, Gray got a glimpse of Lester Tillman lying on the floor, one bullet in the chest, another in the center of his forehead. No doubt about it, the man was deader than disco.
The twins simultaneously reached into their jackets, each removing a pistol equipped with a silencer. And opened fire.
Chapter Twelve
Years of combat experience and endless training made Gray fast on his feet. The moment their hands disappeared into their jackets, Gray knew what was coming. He spun around and ran, hoping he made it out the rear office door before a bullet hit him in the back.
The telltaleclickclickclicksent Gray ducking to the side, grabbing the door handle and throwing it open. Fuckers were already shooting at him. There was no time to wait around for the elevator, so he headed straight for the stairwell, yanking his pistol from its holster as more muffled shots filled his ears. A slug slammed into his back, nearly throwing him off his feet and pulling a deep grunt and a vicious curse from his throat. Thank fuck his tactical vest did its job. It still hurt like a bitch, though.
Spinning around, he fired off two shots—one for each fucking twin—then ran through the stairwell door. The door slammed shut behind him and Gray raced halfway down the stairs then leaped over the railing, spun around, and aimed his gun up.
Come and get me, assholes.
He heard the door above open and close. But the twins were playing it safe. When Julien Mercier peered over the railing, Gray fired a shot at his face, then began backing down the stairs, eyes and gun fixed above. Out of nowhere, Camille came swinging over the side of the railing like fucking Wonder Woman, slicing and kicking all at once. She wielded a knife in each hand and slashed out, catching his upper arm with her blade. Stumbling back, Gray swung his weapon toward her, but she launched another quick kick that caught him in the jaw and sent him tumbling backwards down the steps.
He definitely hadn’t expected that.
With a pained oomph, he landed on his wounded arm, grimaced and rolled, lifting his pistol and shooting up at Camille while, at the same time, throwing himself down the next flight of stairs. Damn, he was going to have a lot of bruises if he made it out of this alive.
“Demon! Where are you?” Inda’s voice came through his comms loud and clear.
“Staircase,” he grunted, dragging himself up and running down the steps three at a time. A bullet whizzed past his head. “Twenty-first floor and heading down fast.”