Page 34 of Gray
Hunter told her she had some post-flight things to take care of and then she’d walk Aubrey over to the terminal. Aubrey secretly hoped she’d take her time, but after merely a half hour, Hunter strode out of the cockpit.
“Ready?” she asked. The red-haired pilot was sassy, former Navy and, Aubrey quickly learned, had an opinion about everything. Aubrey liked her a lot and envied how she could say whatever was on her mind. The woman was completely fearless.
Reluctantly, Aubrey stood up and forced a nod. As they walked out the plane’s door and down the steps, Hunter said, “So, I hear you and Gray clicked.”
Clicked?“Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“That was some kiss, sister.” Hunter tossed her a wink. “Makes me think I should slip Gray your address. Maybe the big guy will be tempted to come pay you a sexy visit in the near future.”
Aubrey flushed at the idea of Gray showing up on her doorstep looking all gruff and growly. “I wouldn’t say no.”
Hunter chuckled. “Figured as much. C’mon, let’s get you to your gate.”
The private airport wasn’t huge and it only took a minute to reach the main terminal. Dread poured through Aubrey as they stepped inside, and she paused.
“What’s wrong?” Hunter asked.
Suddenly, she was so worried about Gray she couldn’t see straight. Killing wasn’t what he should be doing right now. He needed to confront his demons and heal. Not add more guilt to the already huge burden weighing him down.
“I’m really worried.”
“Why?” Hunter asked, a quizzical look on her pretty face. “They know what they’re doing. They’re the best of the best.”
Aubrey eyed the fierce woman who probably didn’t fear anything or anyone. “I’m not used to this kind of stuff. You guys might all be badasses and former military, but this is new for me.”
“Ah, an action virgin.” Hunter smirked. “I barely remember those days. Been in too many battles. Military and otherwise.” Her mouth curved up in a sly smile.
Aubrey wished she possessed a fraction of the coolness that Hunter exhibited.
“So…you and Gray…” Hunter let her words trail off, eyebrows raised in question. “What exactly happened? I don’t stay at the bungalows with the rest of the team, so sometimes I feel a little out of the loop.”
“Nothing happened.”
“You like him?”
“Of course, I like him.”
“No, I mean do you like-like him? As in, do you want to climb up his rock-hard body and ride him like a rodeo horse?”
Aubrey’s jaw dropped. Was she that transparent?Oh, God.She felt her cheeks turn a bright shade of crimson, but before she could respond, Hunter’s phone rang.
“Hold that thought,” Hunter said cheerfully and answered the buzzing phone. “Pharaoh, what’s up?”
Saved by the bell. Aubrey waited, watching as Hunter listened for a moment, not saying a word.
“We’ll be ready.” Hunter disconnected the call, then abruptly turned back around. “C’mon, back on the jet. The team needs you.”
“Me? What’s going on?”
Hunter didn’t answer as they practically jogged back outside and onto the tarmac. “I don’t sugarcoat. Gray was stabbed. ETA two minutes.”
Aubrey’s legs stopped moving and for a moment she thought—hoped—she’d heard Hunter wrong. The other woman grabbed her arm and pulled her along. “Is he…” Her words trailed off. Is he what? Going to make it?
Oh, God.
“I don’t have details.”
Hunter hurried up the stairs and headed for the cockpit. “First Aid Kit is in there,” she stated, pointing to a small cabinet as she passed it. “Get it ready.”