Page 48 of Gray
“And I like seeing your lips wrapped around my dick.”
They looked at each other for a long moment, his eyes so intense, and Aubrey wished she knew what was going on in that head of his. “I want to be there in case something goes bad and you need my trauma skills. But if you really don’t want me to go, I won’t.”
Gray pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you.”
“That’s why I’d stay with Hunter.” She searched his face, could see he was wrestling with her offer. “I won’t be anywhere near the action. And this is what I do, Gray. What I’m good at. If something bad happens to you or one of your teammates, I will be standing by, ready to fix them. Maybe save a life, if it comes to that. I’m not scared.”
Gray pulled her into his arms, buried his face in her hair and sighed. “Why do you have to be so convincing? So fearless?” he whispered.
Elation poured through Aubrey and she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tightly. “Is that a yes?” Excitement and anticipation filled her voice. This is what she did, what she excelled at. And for Gray to not only accept and acknowledge it, but also to trust her training, made her heart sing.
With another sigh, he pulled back. “I have a hard time telling you no, Sparkle.”
A huge grin split Aubrey’s face. “You will be in extremely capable hands. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?”
“Right. I’ll pitch it to the team in the morning. Okay?”
She nodded. Then Gray flipped her onto her back so fast, she squealed. “Now, spread your legs, gorgeous, because I’m about to return the favor.”
The next morning, Gray began to second-guess his decision to let Aubrey join the mission. After all, he’d made it while in post blow job bliss.But, he’d promised her that he would pitch the idea to his team, so he did. Truthfully, he expected them to protest, so they shocked the hell out of him when they immediately agreed to let her come. Even Saint. She’d already proven her worth once, they’d said. And, he couldn’t argue with that. In fact, their belief in her instilled another level of confidence in Gray. She could do it.
Now, sitting on the plane, Gray tried to convince himself not to worry. Aubrey wouldn’t be going anywhere nearEl Escorpión’s island. Still, it made him edgy. He reached down and began scratching the long scar on his forearm.
Beside him, Aubrey placed her small hand over his, lacing her fingers through his, and stopped his scratching.
“Everything will be fine,” she whispered.
He needed to trust her. With a nod, Gray closed his eyes and hoped to Christ he was making the right decision. At this point, second guessing himself wouldn’t do any good and only end up pulling his focus off the mission.
The flight took about five and a half hours. They flew to an adjacent island since they obviously couldn’t just drop in on Mesa’s private island. After landing on a grass airfield, the team began to gather their equipment.
Mesa’s island was well-guarded, but, not surprisingly, Zane’s recon managed to find a weak spot. The northern tip of the island was rockier and didn’t appear to be in use. All the action seemed to be happening in the south. Sat images showed one structure along the northern coast that looked like a guard house, so the team planned to slip in behind a cluster of rocks where they could then stash the Zodiac and proceed to take out any guards. Afterwards, they would hump down through the jungle cover. Once they reached the edge of the jungle near the warehouse, the team would split up.
Brax, Inda and Ryland would blow up the warehouse and El Escorpión’s precious cocaine. Pretty much a general fuck you. Meanwhile, Gray and Saint would kill Alvaro “El Escorpión” Mesa. He had a large house on the eastern side of the island and they planned to sneak in and neutralize the cartel king there.
And Gray couldn’t fucking wait. Today, vengeance would be his.
After slipping his tiny earpiece in place, Gray did a quick comms check. He’d already secured his tactical vest, two Glocks and flash bangs. As the rest of the team did their final checks, Gray turned to Aubrey who watched him closely.
She’s not going to be anywhere near Mesa, he kept reassuring himself.
When Gray opened his arms, she fell against his chest, hugging him tightly. “Please, be careful,” she whispered, cheek pressed to his vest. “Your life is more important than anything. Even revenge.”
Gray stroked a hand down her silky hair then kissed her hard.
There was nothing he could say to reassure her. Yes, he would do his best to remain alert and vigilant. But, sometimes an op required certain risks to get the job done. And Gray was willing to do whatever it would take to avenge his fallen brothers.
Even if that meant putting himself in harm’s way and potentially making the ultimate sacrifice.
“Let’s roll,” Braxton said.
“See you soon,” Hunter said confidently, arms crossed, watching them exit the plane.
Gray placed another quick kiss on Aubrey’s mouth then pulled back and memorized her features, burning them into his mind. Her beautiful heart-shaped face, rosy cheeks, indigo eyes and full, pink lips. If he ended up going down, she would be the last thing he would picture.
Stepping away, Gray turned and walked out the door. Irony hit him hard like a sucker punch. Not long ago, Gray had lost all hope and thought he wanted to die and be reunited with his former teammates. He truly believed he had nothing left to live for and no real purpose. Then Zane pulled him into Ex Nihilo, his new team, and he felt a renewed sense of purpose. It felt good.