Page 102 of Such a Good Girl
“Yeah,” I admitted. “Now, let’s just hope she stays alive.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“A few of the women who were murdered were being considered. They’d auditioned and I hadn’t decided. Their deaths decided it, unfortunately.”
She furrowed her brows. “I need to tell you about something.”
She looked serious. I let her lead me to the sofa where we both sat down. .
“It’s about Danika,” she went on. “She showed up at my car yesterday when I was about to leave and she threatened me. Told me to leave you alone.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” I said, shaking my head and taking her hand in mine. “I’m sorry, she’s absolutely ridiculous.”
“Do you think she’s dangerous?”
“Danika? Danika’s all talk.”
“You sure about that? She seemed real fucking serious.”
“I’m sure. I promise, Danika wouldn’t hurt anyone. Except maybe me.”
“Someone sent me a bomb, West.”
“I didn’t forget about that. But I can guarantee it wasn’t Danika. The cops will figure it out. You gave them the letters, they did forensics. It was just some random crazy fan, I’m sure of it.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“I am,” I said, sure that I was. If Kaylee hadn’t been seen with me, she wouldn’t have received that package. “Oh, that reminds me,” I said, going to my desk and pulling out a package from the drawer. “I know your bracelet was destroyed that day. I got you another one.”
She opened it with a huge smile and put it on her wrist immediately. It looked beautiful. My eyes trailed over to her ring finger and I knew right then that someday I’d be putting a ring there.
“Thank you,” she gushed, her smile lighting up the room, lighting up my heart.
“It’s my pleasure,” I said, drinking in her beauty and letting it deep into my soul. This woman was healing and beautiful. I was so grateful I’d met her.
Later, when I left, I found Joey at my car again, waiting. “I just wanted to apologize again,” he said, before I could lay into him.
I was exhausted and didn’t have the energy to fight. “Whatever, dude,” I said, getting into my car. “Look, I know I’m hard to work for. I’m all over the place, I get pissed a lot. But again, I won’t have you talking to anyone that way on my behalf. This really is your last warning, Joey. Get your shit together.”
“I understand,” he said. “Thank you, West.”
I sighed, shaking my head. “I’m fucking tired.”
“What’s going on?”
“Fucking Danika again. She’s fucking with Kaylee. I just wish she’d get out of my life, once and for all.”
“I can talk to her, if you want.”
“I do not. I’ll text you a list of tasks I need you to take care of tomorrow for the film. Have a good night.”
“Good night, boss,” he said, walking away.
I sighed and headed home, wishing Kaylee was going home with me. She’d insisted she was also exhausted and needed a good night’s sleep, so I’d said goodnight to her in the locker room while she was gathering her things.
I went home with visions of her swirling in my head.