Page 109 of Such a Good Girl
In an instant, everything became clear.
I grabbed my gun from its holster, pulled my badge from my pocket and silently placed them both on the conference room table. I walked out without a word.
Theo and Rian had rallied around me and convinced me to get out of bed and go surfing with them at Hermosa Beach.
As we sat in the sand, taking a break, I watched the waves break in front of us.
Misery had wrapped its vicious arms around me and refused to let go. I missed Kaylee fiercely. I’d never felt this kind of pain and it confused the hell out of me, because I was pissed at the same time. Even when Danika and I had broken up, I didn’t feel like this.
“I just don’t understand how I could have been fooled so easily,” I muttered, half to myself and half to them. They’d been putting up with my random comments all day.
“I told you not to trust her, I told you that you were moving too fast,” Theo said.
“I should have fucking listened to you.”
“Next time, I’ll knock some sense into you.”
“There’s not going to be a next time!”
“C’mon, dude, you can’t give up on love entirely,” Rian said.
“Watch me.”
“I gotta say, though, man. I do think Kaylee really liked you.”
“Well, that doesn’t matter now, does it? It’s over.”
“Why, though? Like, I don’t get that entirely. Yeah, she lied, but she had to, right? It was her job. And you gotta admit, it’s kinda interesting that she’s a cop. That’s a lot more intriguing than a waitress. She’s probably got a lot of stories to tell.”
I shook my head in exasperation.
“Sure, but how could I ever trust her?”
“I don’t know, man. I’m not an expert at relationships, as you both well know,” Rian said. “But I liked her. Yeah, she fucked up, big time. And maybe it would take a while for you to trust her again, but West — I’ve never seen you so fucking happy. Maybe it could work. If you really wanted it to. She seemed good for you. You’re gonna throw all that away? That shit’s rare, man. Might want to think twice about that.”
“He’s right,” Theo agreed. “When you find the right woman, the one that feels comfortable in your arms? That’s magic.”
“Okay, Mr. Romantic,” I said. “Who the fuck are you out creating magic with?”
Theo’s eyes clouded over and he looked away. “Nobody, man. I’m just saying…”
“Right,” I sighed, shaking my head. “I hear you guys. I just think I’m fucked. I don’t know how to live with Kaylee anymore. But I don’t know how I’m going to live without her, either.”
Ihad nothing now.
No West to love.
No case to work on.
No fucking job.