Page 24 of Such a Good Girl
I leaned over and whispered in West’s ear, my lips brushing against his skin and sending electricity through my body.
“I like being watched.” I said the words as seductively as possible, hoping they had the desired effect and didn’t sound as cheesy as they did in my head.
His smile told me they worked. Maybe I wasn’t a bad actress after all.
I turned on my heel, letting him watch me walk away. I could feel the heat of his gaze on my ass as I sauntered off, my pussy noticeably wet from the chemistry flowing between us.
I caught West doing just as he said — watching me — on and off throughout the night. I’d turn a corner, and there he would be, silently watching me from the shadows. Another time, I was carrying a full tray of drinks to a table and he brushed up against me as he walked by, the heat of his body making my hands tremble as I struggled with the drinks.
It was a busy night, and I was slammed with customers in the VIP lounge, but somehow I managed to find a few minutes with each of the owners.
Theo was in the kitchen while I retrieved an order. I could tell he was trying to completely ignore me for some reason, but I made a point to talk to him.
“I appreciate the job,” I said, flashing him a big smile. He barely glanced at me, but grunted to let me know he’d heard me. “I won’t let you down.”
“You’re not who I would have chosen, but West seems to have taken a liking to you,” he mumbled, running a hand through his long dark hair. He was strikingly handsome — a complete contrast to West’s stereotypical blonde good looks. Theo was dark and mysterious, his eyes stormy and full of anger.
I let his words roll off my back. I wasn’t here to win a popularity contest. “Well, I appreciate the opportunity. A customer mentioned a private club or something earlier, what’s that about?”
“Just do your job,” he said gruffly, before walking away.
“Okay,” I muttered to myself.
Clearly, there were secrets about this place.
I was determined to find out where this secret club was. The handsy prick talked about it earlier, and West’s partners had been really upset when he’d mentioned it yesterday. The research the precinct had already done indicated its existence. I needed to find out more. And Theo wasn’t about to dissuade me.
An hour later, I tried my luck with Rian.
Rian was the scary one of the three. He was huge, his over-exaggerated muscles slathered in tattoos of skulls and tribal patterns, his head shaved, his eyes brilliant and flashing and always darting around, as if he expected to be attacked at any moment and wanted to make sure he was ready for it.
He was behind the bar at the end of the night, taking money out of the cash register as I brought a tray of empty glasses back. He looked up for a second as I approached and apparently deemed me safe enough to go back to what he was doing.
“Thanks for the job,” I said. “I love it here.”
“Thank West,” he said, shrugging. “The fucking prick.”
“West doesn’t understand the idea of a democracy.”
“What do you mean?”
“Theo and I had no say in hiring you. It’s all on West,” he said. His eyes raked over my body and he shook his head. “You’re not the type of person we usually hire.”
“I see,” I said, ignoring his covert insult. “Well, as I told Theo earlier, I appreciate the opportunity. I won’t let you down.”
“I doubt you’ll be here long, sweetheart. Don’t get too comfortable.”
Damn. The rudeness was brutal, but I wasn’t about to let him get under my skin.
I left him there and went in search of a friendly face. I found one easily. West sat in a booth by himself, searching through his phone. The customers had left an hour ago and the few stragglers that were still hanging out in the VIP lounge sat with Theo at a separate booth, finishing their last drinks.
When I walked up to West, he broke out in a smile and gestured for me to sit next to him. I slid into the booth as close as I could get to him.
“Hey, how was your night?” he asked.
“I had a blast,” I said, rubbing my calves. The high heels were torture, even though I was sure they were designer. I’d gotten over my outfit’s lack of modesty about an hour into my shift, way too busy working to worry about my ass hanging out.