Page 33 of Such a Good Girl
“Oh, West!”
“You were right, partially. It’s for celebrities, sure. But not just them. Anyone with money and the desire for complete privacy can join.”
“That explains the NDA, I guess.”
“Indeed. It’s important you read it over and completely what you are agreeing to. This isn’t your usual nightclub, Rosie. And what I just introduced you to? That’s honestly child’s play compared to the things you’ll see in Profane.”
“It’s the name of the club, but it’s not to be uttered outside of the club itself. Where our play should be kept confidential at all times. You can’t tell your friends. You can’t tell your family. You can’t tell them the name, anything about the club, or anything you may witness throughout your employment. Of course, we don’t ask you to keep these secrets without being properly compensated. You’ll see that we pay handsomely for your discretion.”
I looked down at the agreement and saw that the pay rate was tripled compared to the regular club, which only made me more suspicious.
What was the big secret, exactly? That celebrities wanted a place to screw each other? Or was it something much more scandalous? Something more dangerous?
“I appreciate your confidence in me, West. I can definitely keep my mouth shut.”
“I hope so,” he said. “Because once you sign this, you are legally bound to do so, with dire consequences should you breach the contract. There’s also another NDA that I should have had you sign earlier. I fucking hate it, but it’s specifically for me. My lawyers insist that anyone I have uh…relations with…signs it. I apologize. I know it’s weird and lame and awkward.”
“I don’t mind. But, you’ve got me so curious now,” I said, flashing him a flirty smile. “Do you…play…there?”
“Yes, of course. Profane is my baby, my dream.” He came over to me, and reached down to cup my breast, his finger sliding over my nipple. “Why do you think I’m putting you in there? I want easy access to you, Little Rose. I hope that’s okay?”
I wanted to be angry. Angry for all women in the workplace that suffered from sexual harassment. But goddammit, this was West Foster, whose moves were so damned smooth and sexy that I couldn’t help but respond to them. I knew wanting more from him made me a very bad cop, but each time he touched me, it left me shuddering with desire.
Reminding myself that I was doing this for a very valid reason, I smiled again, holding on to that anger. Maybe I could enjoy him and bring him down at the same time, if he was indeed the killer.
“That turns me on, West,” I whispered, boldly kissing him again.
He groaned and grabbed my head in both hands, kissing me deeply, his tongue diving in again and sucking every ounce of resistance out of me.
“Fuck, Rosie,” he said, pulling away and shaking his head. “What is it about you?”
I didn’t answer. I just pushed him to the side to look at the paperwork. “Let me sign this so we can move this along, shall we?”
“I like the way you think,” he said, his hand gripping my breast from behind as I leaned over his desk and started reading as best as I could with his incredibly sexy distractions.
Her curves were driving me crazy. I knew I was being inappropriate but she wasn’t stopping me, and from the way she writhed under those blows to her ass earlier, her consent clearly wasn’t fuzzy.
So, as she bent over the desk to read the NDA, I let my hands roam.
I started at her hips, slowly moving down over her ass, and then back up and over her waist, to cup the swell of her breasts.
“I need to point out some key issues you may encounter before you sign,” I said, my voice on the verge of cracking with desire. I’d yet to sink into her, but with every moment I felt closer.
“Please do.” She pushed her hips back into me.
“The customers can be challenging, demanding, handsy. They will all come on to you — men and women, alike — and it will be on you to decide how much you’re comfortable with and find a way to politely steer them within your boundaries.”
“I see.”
“You’re welcome to participate as much as you want, Little Rose,” I said, caressing her cascading auburn hair.
“Are you saying I should have sex with them?” Her voice rose an octave.