Page 123 of Love Puck
Then—I took a picture.
After that, I posted it to my social media accounts.
“And then there were three…” was all I wrote.
Five-ish or Six-ish or So years later…
“But Daddy, I wanna have a trailer like yours,” Tucker whined once he saw my trailer.
“Tuck, you can’t pull my trailer,” I explained to him again—for the seventy-fifth time. His grandma bought him a battery-operated kid truck for his last birthday. And when he’d asked for a trailer, I’d actually looked it up online.
And they were all crap.
The way our kids played with stuff, that cheap plastic trailer wouldn’t make it to noon.
“But I wanna trailer like yours.” My first-born son pouted with his arms crossed. Stubborn as the day is long.
I tossed the branches in my arms into my trailer and caved. “Okay, kid. Let’s go build you a decent one.”
His eyes widened right before a huge smile spread across his face.
My smile.
“Really?” he questioned, just to make sure he’d heard me right.
I nodded and waved him over. “Yeah, really.”
A few hours later, we emerged from my workshop. Drill in hand, I attached the brand-new kid-sized trailer to the kid-sized truck.
With a loud whoop and a hug, he ran and jumped into his truck.
I watched him drive up to one of many piles of leaves and stop. Then he got out and started filling up his trailer, using his little shovel.
“That is the cutest freaking thing I’ve ever seen,” my wife said from behind me. I turned to see her taking some pictures of Tucker. “You’re a genius.”
I turned around and pulled her into me. “It didn’t take long to make. And he helped me.”
She shoved her phone into the front pocket of her overalls.
This late in her pregnancies, these were pretty much all she felt comfortable in. Her large, rounded belly dug into my stomach. I felt our latest creation punch and kick in protest.
Apparently, so did my wife.
She giggled and said, “I’m thinking this one might be a soccer player.”
I shook my head. “Impossible.”
She laughed loudly and tossed her head back. “You have to admit, she’s got a heck of a kick on her.”
I leaned down a bit. “That’ll come in handy in net.”
Jillian’s eyebrows raised, and a thoughtful look crossed her face. “Hmm, a goalie, eh?” Her lips pressed together. I fucking loved when she let her Canadian out. “Maybe. I could get Penny to give her some tips.”
I kissed my wife’s plump lips. “How about we wait until you give birth before setting up a training schedule?”