Page 18 of Love Puck
“I think you need to start making two of those from now on.” She pointed at the spinach dip and giggled.
I nodded and took a drink. “I think you’re right.”
Niki’s hand went up. “Show’s on!” she said, and everyone quickly quieted down. My stomach didn’t, though. And neither did my mind.
Both were nervous and wished for the next hour to fly by.
“Welcome back to the show,” Marco said into the camera. The audience clapped and the camera panned quickly around them.
“Do we have a show for you tonight!” Marco punched the air with his fists and the audience clapped harder and whistled.
When it quieted, he continued. “Take a look at what we have in store for you!” Marco’s arm swung to the side, and he stepped away as the large screen in the back flashed to life.
It showed Cash ripping a price tag off Beau’s waders. “You forgot to remove this.” Cash handed the tag to Beau. Everyone laughed as we listened to Cash and Trey. They relentlessly teased Beau about his brand new, shiny fishing gear.
It was cute to see their camaraderie, and how they treated each other. You could feel how much care and respect they held for their teammates.
The screen switched to them around the fire. It was dark, but the campfire glowed on their faces. “You miss her?” Trey asked Cash—and the entire room stopped moving.
And breathing.
Trey didn’t say anyone’s name—but I knew everyone assumed it was me.
“Oh, boy,” Niki said, her handful of popcorn frozen halfway to her mouth. Even she couldn’t move a muscle.
The next clip was of me.
In one of the wedding dresses.
“Double oh, boy,” Niki whispered while our eyes were glued to the TV.
The screen faded to black, and then the intro music and montage started playing.
While I was happy to see Cash had taken my advice on team bonding activities—I really didn’t want to deal with any backlash from it.
And from the sound of it, their trip got a little—intense. I just hoped it didn’t go in the direction that the show had teased.
Otherwise, I’d be getting a call from Stuart. Or his dad.
The girls talked in a low hum during the commercial break. Nobody addressed me directly. Gigi answered a question from a new player.
My poor stomach was practically turning inside out.
“Show’s back on,” Niki announced, and everyone looked back at the TV.
“Please welcome my wonderful co-host,” Marco introduced Christina, and she walked onto the stage.
“Thanks, Marco,” Christina waved to the audience and smiled widely. “I’m excited to be here.”
The applause from the audience slowly died down, and the camera focused back on Marco. “We have quite the show for everyone today, don’t you agree?”