Page 46 of Love Puck
Beau’s eyes widened so large I chuckled. “Five guys?” His chin nearly dropped to the floor. “What do they all even do?”
That earned him a lot more laughs.
“Oh, they manage to keep real busy,” I said with a smile. “You should read the book and find out.”
I looked back at Gigi. “I’ve never read a romance novel before—and certainly nothing in this genre. I have to admit, the level of character development really drew me in. The suspense surprised me. So did the way each hero ended up being changed by their love for the heroine. It really was touching.”
Gigi smiled at me. “Great answer, Clemens.”
Lexi cut in and asked, “What about the—heat level? What did you think about that?” The look of anticipation on her face made me chuckle.
“That—” I inhaled, “really shocked me. The group scenes were especially steamy. But so were the one-on-one scenes. The author had the perfect mix of hot sex, sweet, cute moments, and action scenes. At the end, when they all worked together to save the heroine from her evil stepfather,” I started saying, but Beau cut me off.
“Hey, spoilers!” he shouted and covered his ears.
Gigi rolled her eyes and pointed to the door. “Take off, Moreau,” she said sternly, “it’s your own fault that you didn’t read the book.”
He gave her a sour look but stood and walked toward the door. I thought he might say something before he left—but he didn’t.
Lexi posed another question. Wyatt, however, seemed to be done with book club. He walked up to me and whined. “What do you want, boy?”
Jillian reached over and rubbed his head. “Maybe he needs to go out?”
I shook my head and scratched his back. “I took him a few minutes before we came over.”
“Maybe he’s hungry?” She looked over at me, waiting for a response.
“I fed him.” And I had. Exactly as per Dr. Barnes’ instructions. “Do you want up?” I asked before I picked him up and put him on my lap. He licked my face and I chuckled. Then he turned his head and licked Jillian’s cheek. She giggled, and I swear to Christ that sound went straight to my dick. Fuck.
Wyatt laid down—on our laps. He rested his head on Jillian’s arm and let out a loud yawn. I smiled, and when I peered over at Jillian—she was grinning down at Wyatt like he was the most perfect dog in the world.
Which was completely true.
Book club kept going in the background. But being cuddled up beside Jillian—smelling her flowery scent and having her warm body beside me again—comforted me.
Wyatt weighed me down and before I knew it, my eyelids suddenly became way too heavy.
I decided to shut them for a few minutes.
A few minutes wouldn’t hurt. Nobody would even notice.
“You’re really showing your age there, Clemens,” I heard someone off in the distance say. Something poked my shoulder and startled me awake.
I opened my eyes to see—a whack of eyes staring back at me.
At us.
I gazed down and saw Jillian asleep. Her head laying on my chest.
I bounced my arm—which just happened to be around her shoulders. “Sweetness, wake up.”
That was the only excuse I had for what I’d just called her.