Page 66 of Love Puck
Beau shrugged and nodded. “Gigi, too. I mean, they sometimes help her with filming and shit. But it seems like they’re over there more often than usual.”
Trey set his water bottle down. “That’s because her computer keeps fucking up. I don’t know how many times they had to re-shoot that last nail polish experiment.”
Beau chuckled and corrected him. “It’s a segment, not an experiment.”
Trey’s eyebrows raised up on his forehead. “Trust me, the way Lexi’s nails looked—it was definitely an experiment.” They both laughed and kept on talking about some of the crazy products their women had helped Jillian with.
I didn’t participate in this conversation at all.
I knew exactly what they were talking about. I’d been Jillian’s victim more than once before. And they were right—some of her sponsors sent really weird shit.
Other sponsors sent great shit.
It was a crapshoot.
I didn’t want to tell them about the times—years ago—when I helped Jillian with her product testing. Or when I helped her film the results.
And I couldn’t tell them about how I’d so willingly stepped back into that role at the start of this season.
What I wouldn’t give to—
Honest to God.
I needed to find a way to stop thinking about Jillian.
And the past.
And the present.
Just then, Gigi stepped out of Jillian’s place, shut the door with a bang, and stormed over to us.
Gigi stopped in front of her fiancé and said, “You need to stop me from tossing that stupid computer into the stupid pool.”
Beau sighed and grabbed her hand. He pulled Gigi onto his lap. “How many times have I told her I’d buy her a new computer?”
She slipped an arm around the back of his neck. “Four hundred?”
He chuckled and nodded. “At least. Should I go in and try again?”
She shook her head in a slow, resigned fashion. “No, I’ve tried. She’s too proud.”
Beau lightly kissed her lips. “You couldn’t get her computer to work?”
Gigi answered back in a sad voice. “No, it’s hopeless.”
He kissed her one more time and said, “Let me go see what I can do.”
Then she slid off his lap and let him up. Gigi wished Beau luck before she collapsed into his vacant chair.
“I’ve offered to buy her a new computer,” Trey told Gigi. They spoke for a while about ways to somehow get rid of her old computer and sneak a new one in its place.
This was something about Jillian that had always confused me.
She made money.