Page 11 of Everybody Knows
“Me too,” Joey added. “I need beer and women immediately.”
Drew rolled his eyes but smiled. “Okay. A few drinks. We deserve it!”
The guys took turns using the shower and changing out of their sweaty clothes, then we headed out of the dressing room and into the bar while the roadies dealt with their equipment.
On our way through, fans slapped the guys on the back, and I felt another buzz at being part of something so special. The fame wasn’t mine, but it was pretty cool getting a taste of it and seeing what life was like for the band.
The bar was wild and crowded, and I stayed as close as I could to the boys, but it was difficult with so many bodies squished together. Every now and again, one of the guys would disappear for a while, but they’d eventually find their way back. Drew was the only one who stayed really close to me, and I knew it was because he was under strict orders to keep me safe.
The music was loud, as were the other patrons, but the atmosphere was incredible, and I spent more time observing the crowds than anything else.
After about an hour, I needed a breather from the heat and the close proximity to others, so I slipped out of the back door and took in a long gulp of fresh air. My skin instantly prickled with goose bumps from the temperature change, and I wrapped my arms around myself to warm up. Although I could still hear the pumping beats from the bar, another sound outside caught my attention, and I stiffened at the sound of a girl’s giggle followed by a deep groan from a man. I recognized the flirty sound. I’d heard many of my friends doing the girly giggle when they were with a guy, and I chuckled to myself, knowing I couldn’t stay where I was in case the couple noticed me and thought I was some kind of creeper. I started to turn back to the club when I heard the girl say, in a very French accent, “Where will you take me?”
“I have a hotel room. Do you want to join me?” My heart stilled as I recognized Jason’s voice, and when I heard their footsteps, I stepped back into the club doorway so they wouldn’t see me when they passed.
Oh, God.What the hell had she been doing to him to make him groan like that? I sank into the darkness when their footsteps came closer, my heart sinking slowly into my stomach.
Jason had his arm firmly around the tiny waist of a stunning French girl with sleek black hair and gigantic boobs. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped, and this time it was the girl who let out a moan. I shuffled forward and peered hesitantly around the corner, immediately wishing I hadn’t. Jason had pressed her firmly against the wall, his hands pinning her wrists above her head as he kissed her neck. She arched her back slightly, her red-painted lips open, and his hands slid down her arms, down her waist, then up to her breast, making her moan again.
“Please. Take me to your room.”
I ducked back into the shadows feeling sick at what I’d just seen. I tried hard to ignore the stabbing sensation in my stomach. I knew the deal already. I knew him hooking up with women was something I might have to learn to handle, but seeing it happen right in front of me was a lot harder than I’d expected.
Instead of turning into a weepy, girly mess, I took some deep breaths and jolted when the club door opened, the handle digging into my back as it swung outward.
“Oh, I am so sorry.” Mr. Biceps stepped through the door as I rubbed my back where he’d bumped me.
“It’s okay,” I told him. “I shouldn’t have been standing in the way.” I started to move past him, but he caught my arm gently.
“Are you okay?”
I nodded, trying to regain control of my shallow breaths. “I just need a drink.”
Or six.
“Or… maybe we can talk?” he offered.
I glanced up into the blue eyes of Mr. Biceps, and when he smiled, a dazzling white-toothed smile, I shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
We stepped out of the dark doorway and walked around to the side of the club. My mind was very much on Jason and the woman with the huge boobs, but I figured chatting to Mr. Biceps, whose real name was Julien, would be better than getting smashed and having to deal with day two of the tour with a massive hangover even if he was lazy and a little self-obsessed.
I leaned back against the wall of the club, trying to figure out exactly what we would talk about. We’d exchanged maybe ten words all day, and I was certain three of them had been me muttering, “Bloody useless prick,” under my breath while he checked his thick, dark hair before taking another photo of himself.
“You don’t like the club?” he asked as he leaned back against the wall beside me.
I shook my head. “It’s not that. I just wanted a break from the noise.”
Julien nodded. “I was going to have a smoke, but…” he looked me up and down appreciatively, “… I think talking with you might be better.”
I couldn’t fault his English, and a small part of me got a kick out of the way he looked at me. I was only wearing jeans, a black vest top, and black boots. There was no point wearing my best clothes to a grimy club. The girl Jason had picked up had been wearing a short, figure-hugging dress and killer heels, probably with the sole intention of hooking up with someone. Crappy as I felt about witnessing that, I was secure enough in myself that I didn’t feel the need to make myself up just to attract attention. If I couldn’t get attention simply by being me, I didn’t want it.
I turned to face him, my shoulder still against the wall. “So, how did you get a job with Razes Hell?”
Julien smiled the kind of smile you see on magazine covers. He looked more suitable for modeling work than lugging heavy equipment around. “My father is the owner of this club. I am a big fan of Razes Hell, so he asked if I could help today. I was very happy to meet them.”
Mm-hmm. That was clear from the number of snaps you took with your phone.
“Will you be helping tomorrow night too?” I asked.