Page 22 of Crown Me, Baby
“You guys are so cute,” one of the girls says. The blonde. She doesn’t realize she has lipstick on her teeth, and she shows it off with a smug smile. “We’ll see if it lasts as long as me and my boyfriend. We’re getting engaged soon.”
“In that case, congratulations soon,” I say.
“And what is it you do?” lipstick-teeth asks.
“I’m an investor,” I say, as Bella’s forming words that ram into mine.
“He just bought the ranch next to ours.” She’s glaring, but she’s warming up.
“I want her to move in with me, but she won’t. Even down the road, I miss her.”
“I miss you, too,mon petit chou.That’s what I called him in Paris. I’d point to the greengrocer and say, ‘Look! It’s you! My little cabbage.’”
“And I’d call herkapusta. It means cabbage in my country. Isn’t that cute?”
“I’ve never been happier. He treats me like a queen.” Bella gazes up at me.Good. Finally. Keep going.
“I’ve finally met someone worthy of being treated as one, so I have no choice,” I say. Now she’s doing it.
“My boyfriend – soon-to-be-fiancé – is good to me, too.” It’s the redhead, although her boyfriend is not one of those in attendance it seems.
“That’s nice,” I say.
“Where is he now?” Bella asks.Yes! That’s the Bella I know.The spitfire who literally tames wild horses.
“He had to work.”
“Oh, on the weekend? That’s too bad. Alex sets his own hours.”
“And if she wants me to take time off, work can wait.” I kiss her on the cheek. “That’s what I have employees for. Nothing is more important than her. Actually, Bella…”
I look to the side, wondering if I should do this. It’s the ultimate move to shut up these harpies.
I kneel down in front of her, looking up, and she instinctively puts her hands on her mouth.
“Isabella Sanchez…”
She pulls on my hand to get me up, but she should already know that it will do nothing.
“I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you…”
I pull up my necklace from under my shirt, revealing several rings hanging from it. I unclasp it and pull out the one with the large diamond, surrounded by tiny light sapphires, part of the royal collection bequeathed to me when I came of age. It fits perfectly on her finger.
“Will you make me the happiest man in the world? Isabella, my love, mykapusta, will you marry me?”
How can this guy be Lily’s son? She’s the most level-headed person on the planet. This guy is insane. Lily’s right. Royals are a different kind.
“What do you say? Marry me and make me the happiest man in the world.”
Alex is grinning like the cat that swallowed the canary. I look into his eyes. They are absolutely sparkling. It’s obvious he’s pleased with himself.
Someone coughs, and I realize the whole room has gone silent. Everyone is watching us. Especially my longtime frenemies. Sasha, the one who said she’s so close to being engaged, looks like she just got punched in the gut.