Page 28 of Prince Un-Charming
I’m not expecting sex tonight since I doubt Vivienne will be ready to make that jump. Still, her dress and the way it hugs her body is doing something to me. I can’t keep my eyes off her.
My hands never linger far away from her. I’m desperate for her touch, her kisses, and her warmth, but I understand that she calls the shots now. Not me.
It’s getting difficult to ignore the growing bulge between my pants. Thankfully, Marcus and Sarah are both too tipsy and enthralled with each other to notice.
After paying the bill, we return to the hotel, where we depart to our rooms. I’m surprised to see that Marcus and Sarah aren’t hurrying off together. It seems like Vivienne and I aren’t the only ones trying to take things slow around here.
“Tired?” I ask, tapping the keycard and opening the door, which reveals an opulent new world with a view overlooking the city. “It’s a suite, so if you’d like, there’s more than one bed.”
“Don’t be silly,” she replies, walking in with a confidence that I wasn’t expecting. “It’s fine. It would be strange to sleep in different rooms on our wedding night.”
“True. What a pragmatic bride I have.”
I allow the door to slam shut behind us. Vivienne takes a moment to gaze at the room and all of its amenities as I shrug off my blazer.
“I think it’s important we start getting used to each other’s presence. Don’t you think so?”
“Exactly. No one will believe we’re in love if we don’t play the part.”
She unhooks the shawl from her dress, freeing her shoulders. I try not to think about how her skin would taste on my lips.
“Would you like some wine to celebrate?” she asks.
The dazed look on my face is soon replaced with a grin. She leads the way to the mini fridge that carries a wide selection of choices.
Vivienne, classy as ever, chooses a bottle of rosé. I uncork it and pour two glasses. I follow her to the couch that sits by the wide floor-to-ceiling window.
“This city never sleeps either,” I remark, taking a sip. “If you want, you can head out and have an adventure before we travel back to Solvaria.”
“And leave my husband all alone? Or you’d come on the adventure with me? I want to stay with you regardless.”
“You’re too kind.” I reach out and place my hand on her knee. “You’re doing all this because you want to. Right?”
She narrows her eyes at me. “I’m not a child, Caesar. I can make these decisions for myself.”
“I know, but I understand that it’s a lot. Your feelings matter to me.”
Another sip of wine. I’m starting to feel the effects of the multiple glasses I’ve had all at once. My head starts spinning, and my mouth starts running. “You look beautiful today, by the way. I couldn’t ask for a more beautiful bride.”
“Do you mean that? This dress isn’t…” She looks down. “It’s a conservative choice.”
“You look stunning. It suits you.” I can’t stop myself from gazing down the expanse of her body, imagining what she would look like with nothing on.
“Why didn’t you have a boyfriend? Before me. Before this.” In normal circumstances, I might be afraid of overstepping, but I have two things going for me. I’m tipsy, and she’s my wife.
“I don’t know. I guess I was too focused on school, then work, then my ambitions. I’ve always been pretty serious if you hadn’t noticed,” she says quickly. She swallows the rest of her wine in one go, then pours herself some more. “I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I don’t have much experience.”
“Why? It’s cute.”
“Sure. I’ve never been with a woman like that before.” My head feels heavy right now. “It’ll be a new experience.”
Somehow, I’m falling into her. And somehow, she doesn’t reject me. Instead, her hands are at my shoulders, gripping me tightly as my lips find her skin. I’m at her shoulders first, planting gentle kisses until I find her neck.
Once I do, she gasps quietly and arches into my body. Her hands thread into my hair, pulling my mouth upwards until my lips are near hers.