Page 51 of Prince Un-Charming
A smile stretches at the corners of my mouth thinking of how much I want to be with her. I never would have dreamed that giving up my fast bachelor lifestyle would have been so easy. But Vivienne makes it that way.
I dress quickly, comb my hair for the millionth time, pour myself two fingers of Scotch from the decanter, and toss the lowball glass back.
I breeze out the door with my tie untied and search for Haverty on my way to the party. His encyclopedic knowledge of different knots and talented fingers mean that he can tie anything from a half Windsor to a Van Wijk knot in less than thirty seconds.
I find the family entrance to the royal engagement hall. Haverty greets me with his customary stiff upper lip. “Would you like some help, sir?”
“Only if it means I get to spend some quality time with you, Haverty. Be a dear and tie a man’s tie?”
I see Christian enter out of the corner of my eye, his practiced stare fixed straight ahead. A lesser man would shake his head in derision at my enlisting help. Not Christian!
“Certainly, sir,” Haverty asserts, eyes like a basset hound and every bit as loyal. A look of confusion fills his stoic, candle-wax face. “Where is your beautiful young bride, Your Highness?”
I smile at his concern for Vivienne. “She was feeling unwell when I left. I’ll send your regards.”
He nods and stands to the side, allowing me to enter with the rest of the family. I take a place at the back where I prefer it, so I can see all the action.
“May you both find a world of happiness,” Haverty says quietly and bows as I pass.
It surprises me, I admit, but it warms me. I always thought Haverty viewed me as just another royal mess to clean up. It’s nice to know he has warm wishes for my future.
Entering the ballroom tooohsandaahsfrom the crowd, I think about how riveted they’d be by Vivienne if she had come. Would she wear her classic black or something livelier, like pale blue or coral?
Isabella dazzles everyone as the couple makes their grand entrance, which is always a highlight of an engagement banquet. She floats down the stairs trailing tulle and satin with the grandeur of a prima donna in La Traviata on opening night. She takes Alex’s arm as they descend together, unable to keep their eyes off each other.
The beginning of the party is every bit as beautiful as I thought it would be. Every place setting of bone china and silver is perfectly arranged. Every flower petal is precisely in place.
It strikes me how competent and professional my father’s staff is. Every detail is seen to and everything goes swimmingly for the new couple. Until about halfway through, that is.
Partway through Christian’s toast, like an intruder in Greek mythology, Alexis’ mother Janice storms in, throwing accusations. It’s like a storm has crashed through and spit out the room in disarray.
We all sit and stare silently as she heaves the family’s dirty laundry across the crowd. Looking at each of my brothers, it’s apparent that none of them knew about Alexis’ true parentage, including Alex himself.
He’s not the son of Prince Ronaldi and Princess Janice after all. He’s the son of my father, but his mother isn’t Queen Amaranta. It’s an American named Lily Adams, and she’s here right now in Solvaria. She’s Bella’s adopted mother.
The man of the hour looks like he’s about to puke, understandably so. Isabella looks mortified. I can’t imagine having to watch my bride get thrown to the wolves. I would destroy someone if they did to me and Vivienne anything close to what Janice has done.
The consolation is that, if there’s one thing the family is good at, it’s PR. Throughout the rest of the party, we all work together to absorb the blows. Janice is escorted out, and we all assure our guests that the family is a unit. We all stand by our brother.
A reporter grabs my attention in the melee asking for comment.
“I lost a cousin and gained a brother,” I exclaim. “Alex is a wonderful man. I’m glad to know he’s closer than I thought.”
When asked what I think will happen with his fiancée, I shrug with a smile.
“They seem great together, and I hope they have a long and happy union, but that’s their choice.” I can’t help but feel for Alex.
He and Isabella look so joyful together, but Janice’s accusations must have broken his heart. I hope they’re both okay. After a few hours of damage control, it’s time for me to go.
Placing a half-drunk flute of champagne on a tray, I stalk out. A crowd of paparazzi gathers at the entrance. I strike a few practiced poses before I feel a hand on my shoulder. Out of nowhere, I’m forcefully spun around into the lips of a curvaceous siren I’ve never met.
All thoughts disappear from my head except for one.Vivienne.
Someone is kissing me, and I do my best to push her off. It feels wrong to have any woman’s body against mine but Vivienne.
I’ve done red carpet walks a thousand times, but suddenly, the explosion of lights – along with the out-of-body feeling of kissing someone against my will – warps my sense of space and time.
I climb in the back of the hired car and immediately dial Father.