Page 28 of A Pack Christmas
There’s magic moving through my room as the spell breaks, and I glower. Beatrix did something. I know it. Andie wouldn’t have done this to me.
I throw on jeans and a sweatshirt, not even bothering to brush my hair before I jerk open my bedroom door. As soon as I do, I find a box at my feet.
It’s small, wrapped in shiny green paper, and topped with a sparkly silver bow. My name is scrawled on the folded paper attached to the gift, and the writing is Roman’s.
Revealing the note, I begin to read, not even trying to keep the tears at bay.
My Dearest Cait,
You’ve worked so hard on this Christmas, and I know it seems as if nothing has gone as planned, but you’ve brought us all together. That’s the most important part.
We’ve let you sleep and taken care of everything else. Don’t be mad. You haven’t slept for more than a couple hours each night since you started planning. It was my time to step in and take care of my mate like you always do for me. For everyone.
Take your time getting ready. Breakfast will be waiting for you downstairs, so will everyone else.
Nobody is in a rush.
Once you’re done, open your present and come join us.
I love you more than the moon and stars.
Yours forever and always,
That damn mate of mine. I slump against the wall and wipe the happy tears from my cheeks. Okay, maybe this morning isn’t bleak. Not even close.
They’ve given me rest and peace. Two things I don’t often get as the alpha female of a flourishing pack like ours. I can even smell the food. Bacon and turkey. Hopefully not cooked together, just at the same time.
Reaching down, I grab the gift. There’s no way I’m waiting until I’m ready to open it. My fingers pull at the bow, then rip the paper, not being at all careful.
Inside the box is another black velvet one. I haven’t even fully opened it yet, and my heart is already racing with excitement.
Grabbing the soft material, I pinch the sides and lift the lid of the rectangular box, then gasp. Inside is a stunning necklace. It’s white gold for the chain and pendant, and there’s a wolf’s claw made from white and black diamonds.
My fingers brush over the glittering stones, and I smile. It’s perfect, and it will be the first thing I put on after my shower.
I know he told me to take my time, but now, I’m much too excited to be up here alone. Rushing to the bathroom, I turn the water on, then strip down.
I’m washed up and dried off in record time. Within ten minutes total, I’ve also dressed and blow-dried my hair enough that it’s not dripping down my back.
One last look in the mirror, I grin at the gift shining back at me from my neck. There are fine lines around my blue eyes and even a couple grey hairs starting to pop out amongst my brunette hair, but aging doesn’t scare me.
I’ve spent decades with the love of my life, saving lives, creating a safe haven for shifters, and being with family. Even better, as long as Fate doesn’t deem otherwise, I know I have even more decades of happiness waiting for me.
Roman was right to take over for me. I needed the sleep and clarity. Now, bounding down the stairs, I have a true smile on my face and there’s not an ounce of stress left in me. Nothing will ruin this day as long as we’re all together.
Getting to the living room first, I see Ramona with my grandkids and Beatrix next to her, wiggling her glowing fingertips and laughing at the goofy faces they make.
With them are Andie and Foster, snuggled together on the couch, talking quietly while smiling up at each other. Then, Lucinda and Finn are standing next to the Christmas tree, beaming as if they couldn’t be happier. While Lucy has calmed down over the years, this kind of unfiltered joy on her is rare and makes me wonder what’s happened, but first I need to find my mate and daughter.
I head to the kitchen, and sure enough that’s where Roman is, along with Dawsyn, Cillian, and Embry. The moment I enter the room, Roman turns around, his eyes going to my neck, then back to my face.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he says with a wide grin on his face that also has spots of flour on it, along with some on his black shirt even though he’s wearing…my apron.
I chuckle at the sight of the flowery material covering him, but that doesn’t stop me from going into his open arms. I push up onto my toes and kiss him, uncaring that we’re not alone.
His tongue slips between my lips, and I angle my head as my fingers tangle with his hair.