Page 6 of Prince of Sin
"He restores my soul."
My mind instantly goes back to the one event I had no control over. No matter how much I pray for the Lord to take the burden away from me, the scene always revisits me.
Usually, it comes to me in my dreams. It is odd for it to play out before me. It makes me wonder if this is all some twisted nightmare.
Another test from my Lord.
More penance for the heinous crimes I've committed.
"He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake."
The lights cut back on. As he works, I start to question if I know him. Watching him now is like watching him clean up the worst and most shameful moment of my life.
He turns to start cleaning one of the pews, and that's when I see it.
A Sony Walkman.
There is no mistaking it. It's bright yellow and clipped to his belt. Wired Beats headphones are connected to the device, the cord tucked under his dark jacket.
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..."
I have to get closer. I have to know for sure if it is him.
I keep to the edges of the sanctuary. The confessional is only a few feet away from my lookout. I know if I can just make it into the box, I will be in the clear.
The man looks to be almost done with his job. He picks up Father Murphy, hoisting him over his shoulder, and makes his way to the other side of the sanctuary.
I know that this is my only chance to get a closer look.
Step by careful step, I make my way to the confessional, but by the time I get there, he is once again too far to clearly make out his features.
Do I dare to go any further?
The lights cut back off, and impulse comes over me. I dash from the confessional to the altar, but that is my downfall. He turns, and I panic.
He's seen me.
I run towards the hallway. If I can just get to the door, I can lock him out and then call the police from the phone in the vestry.
My knees scream with each step that I take, but I push forward. I can feel him chasing me now.
A knife whirs past me and sticks into the frame of the door. He is close now; I can feel him. I turn to try and close and lock the door, but the knife is in the way.
I look up, and I can see the whites of his eyes now. He has a crazed look on his face and if I had the energy to scream, I would have.
My plan changes.
I can hide in the vestry. He doesn't know these halls as well as I do.
I turn to run, but instead of propelling forward, I hit the solid stone floor.
I yelp in pain as my elbows hit the ground. I try to crawl forward but with each movement, he seems to gain more and more control over me. I struggle against him. I know there is no use yelling for help. There is no one here.
It is just us and God.
I turn around, and he pins my wrists to the floor.