Page 2 of Only You
What the hell did that mean? A slight chill swept its way down her spine. Then, before she could think, she was being motioned inside and towards the other staff members who stood in a huddle near the bar, glancing around themselves, unnaturally quiet.
“Ana!” Mike said, stepping forward.
Mike was Randy’s full-time bar manager and bouncer. He looked out for the staff when a punter got leery. Unfortunately, that happened more regularly than Ana liked to admit.
Mike stepped forward.
“Don’t look so worried. Everything will be fine. It’s all a misunderstanding,” Mike said before moving in to take Ana’s arm.
Ana stepped back. Mike nodded and held up his hand in apology.
“Why don’t you join the others?” He pointed towards the bar where the other staff were. “The police have told us they won’t keep us long. They just have a few questions.”
Ana gave him a slight nod and moved through the kitchen staff towards the others. Ashen faces and tense shoulders greeted Ana as she approached. No one was looking at one another. The only noise was coming from the police officers moving about.
Mike had been right. A plain-clothed officer came and addressed the group.
When it was Ana’s turn, they led her down the corridor to the staffroom. While she had been waiting, Ana had gleaned from the others that they had taken Randy away in a police car before she arrived.
“Name?” the officer asked without looking up.
Ana moved forward and lowered herself into the chair opposite. “Santana Lewis, but everyone calls me Ana,” she answered.
“Address and phone number?” Ana told the officer her address and phone number.
“How long have you worked for Randy Watson?”
The officer looked up and stared at Ana.
“Four months. Since I arrived in London.”
The officer looked down at his papers. Ana watched as he made a quick note before he looked up again. His gaze locked with hers, his expression softening.
“You seem like a nice young woman, Ana Lewis. I’m going to give you a friendly piece of advice. Be more careful where you seek employment. Men like Randy Watson are scum. They prey on innocent people.”
Ana swallowed hard. She didn’t want to know what Randy had been doing. He’d always been kind to her, but she kept her head down. She didn’t gossip. She did her job and left.
The officer sat up in his chair. “That will be all. I don’t think we’ll need to be in touch, but we have your information.”
Ana felt a churning sensation in her stomach as she walked to the door.
“Will they pay us on time?”
Ana already knew what his answer was going to be. The officer pursed his lips and sighed.
“I’m sorry, Ms Lewis. The authorities have seized all Mr Watson’s accounts and assets. I would suggest you find yourself another job. The restaurant is closed, effective immediately.”
Ana nodded, her head spinning as she left the room. One of the passing police officers steadied her as she stumbled into the restaurant. She mumbled her thanks, her mind in a tailspin.
Ana walked back to the other staff sitting around various tables.
Checking the banking app on her phone, Ana grimaced, her heart beating in her throat. Ana blinked against the growing wetness in her eyes. This month, she would have been free of her overdraft and had extra cash. Money was always tight, but she had worked a lot of shifts that month, and the money Randy owed her would have seen a turnaround in her fortunes.
Dropping her chin to her chest, she shuddered. She could stretch to that month’s rent but would have nothing left. The supplies she needed for her university course would have to wait, and as for food... she’d work something out.
It was late by the time the police had finished interviewing everyone. Ana left the restaurant with the other part-time staff. She didn’t want to be confronted by any of the other full-time staff. Ana was sure they knew whatever Randy was into, and she wanted no part in it. Everyone was quiet as they made their way back to the tube station. Ana knew she wasn’t the only person who needed this job. Randy’s seemed to be a landing place for the city’s desperate. Several of the girls were crying, while others were lost in thought. Ana joined in as they wished each other luck. As they all went their separate ways, Ana knew she wouldn’t likely meet any of them again.