Page 36 of Only You
Giving her father a big kiss, she wiggled off his lap, Andrew shooting her a look of appreciation, his smile making Ana’s pulse dance.
“Come on, Princess. Let’s hang your costume up and get you ready for bed. It’s eight forty-five. All witchy princesses should be in bed, especially when they have a Halloween Ball to attend.”
Olivia rushed to take her hand, pulling her towards the door. “Goodnight, Daddy. I love you,” she shouted over her shoulder.
“I love you more,” came Andrew’s tired reply.
Ana climbed the stairs, a new warmth flooding her body as she thought about the relationship she was observing between father and daughter. It was in such contrast with her own relationship with her parents. They had never taken an interest in anything Ana had done. Her existence had been to be seen and not heard. The only time they ever paid attention to her was when her school report came in. If she wasn’t overachieving, then there had been hell to pay. She soon realised that focusing on her studies was the easiest way to be left alone. As a result, she had few friends and no social life, but it meant a quiet life at home. Andrew and Olivia’s interactions were not, however, alien to her. Her parents had shown her sister affection. They’d loved her and had openly chastised Ana for not being as good, clever, or beautiful as her older sister. Ana could see why. Eva was perfect in every way. What chance didflawedlittle Ana have? She couldn’t compete.
Ana got Olivia ready for bed, making sure she had washed her face and brushed her teeth. Olivia chatted non-stop about what she wanted to do at the party and how happy she was with her outfit. She and Skylar would be the best dressed out of everyone.
Ana tucked her in, dropping a kiss on her forehead. “Thank you, Ana,” Olivia said, throwing her arms around her neck. “I am so glad you live with us.” Olivia gave her one more squeeze before dropping herself back onto her pillow, and closing her eyes. Ana was glad. It meant the little girl missed the tears clouding her vision. She quickly turned and left the room, not trusting her voice, which she knew was choked with tears. Swiping a hand across her eyes, she checked her face in the mirror before returning downstairs to say goodnight to Andrew.
Entering the sitting room, Ana stopped at the door. Andrew was sprawled in the chair, his head back, eyes closed, and his features softened in sleep. Ana crept forward, her eyes never leaving his sleeping form. Grabbing a blanket from the basket, she lay it over him. Backing out of the room, she turned off the light. With one last glance, she headed up to bed, her heart full.
Chapter Twenty-four
It was the night of the Halloween party, so after a full week of solo childcare, Andrew had given Ana the night off. She hadn’t wanted to take it, but he had insisted. He wanted to spend some time with Olivia, having felt he’d offloaded her and his parents onto Ana all week.
His mum had been blowing up his phone all day, apologising for her behaviour. Andrew had told her it was okay, but everyone needed some downtime. His mother’s hostility had horrified him. He knew she had a residual hatred for Eva, but Ana was her own person and not responsible for her sister’s actions seven years ago. Ana had not complained, even tried to brush over it. But Andrew had seen her face when he walked in and he didn’t want her to ever feel that way, not if he could help it. It had surprised him how protective he felt, but then she was looking after his daughter. He had to ensure she was happy.
When Andrew arrived at the pub, Damian and Christian were already at one of the tables. They’d agreed to meet at five before collecting the girls.
“Part-timers,” he grinned as he sat down at their table.
“What good is it if you own and run multi-million-pound companies if you can’t make it to the pub early on a Friday night?” Christian said, pushing a pint across the table at him.
Both Christian and Damian ran major international companies. The past year had seen their friendship develop alongside their daughters. They liked to meet up regularly, but life usually got in the way.
Christian was Skylar’s biological father. Damian, her stepfather. Skylar’s family set up being complex, but they made it work.
“No Star?” Andrew asked Damian.
Damian grinned. “Laura roped her into helping on the sweet stall at the party. The downside of your best friend being a teacher, so it’s boys only.” Damian raised his glass. It had been a while since they’d got out on a boy’s night.
“How was your trip, Christian?”
Christian had just returned from a trip to Thailand. Since taking over as CEO of his family business, he travelled quite a lot. Andrew had noticed his friend was not great at delegating, but then again, it was probably why his family company had grown exponentially under Christian’s leadership.
It shocked Andrew when Christian could not quite meet his gaze. “It was fine,” he said, not wanting to expand.
Damian laughed. “I’ve been trying to get out of him how it went since we arrived, but he’s giving nothing away.”
Andrew watched Christian grimace. Christian liked to keep his personal life close to his chest. He had only been in Skylar’s life for a short time, and Andrew knew he did not feel comfortable talking about his love life where it could get back to Star. There was more to Christian and Star’s sister, Lily. A story Christian had never divulged. Andrew knew that, but his friend remained tight-lipped, even with him.
“How’s it going with the new nanny?” Damian asked, changing the subject. “I hear she has made the most amazing costume for tonight’s party and got you out of a heap of trouble, old man. She is also causing quite a stir in the playground, from what I hear.”
Andrew took a sip of his beer, groaning at Damian’s words. He knew the playground gossip mill. He’d been at the centre of it himself when he and Olivia had first arrived. It was how he had become friends with Star. As single parents, they’d stuck together. That was before Damian had reappeared.
“She’s been amazing. Olivia seems to have settled in. It’s my mother who is causing the most problems.” Andrew told them about the night before and his mother’s reservations about Ana.
Damian and Christian stared at him wide-eyed. He’d failed to mention to them that Ana was, in fact, his ex-sister-in-law.
“Olivia doesn’t know Ana is her aunt. It would cause too many questions that Ana can’t answer. But blood is thicker than water, and their DNA connection is so strong. Their bond... I can’t explain it. You must see it to believe it.” Andrew added. He didn’t want any misunderstandings or playground gossip. He didn’t want Ana hurt.
“I’m happy for you,” Damian added, “I know Olivia has had a hard time. Skylar has been worried about her and that is something coming from a seven-year-old. If Ana is what Olivia needs, then you made the perfect choice.”