Page 36 of Seduce
“Always,” she says, leaning into him. They’ve come a long way from the last time he pissed her off.
“Did Grayson pin you down and make you tell him you love him again?” Isaac jokes, leaning his elbow on his thigh as he watches them. His black and purple tattoo on his side can be seen from here since he’s just wearing low slung joggers, the skulls practically look alive in this light. “I’ve told you over and over again, that’s not the way to get a woman to proclaim their undying love.”
“What?!” Grayson looks aghast at him, while Isaac tries hard to keep a straight face. Andrya peaks into giggles with Silla, and even I find my lips tugging hard into a smile. Fuck, we’ve never been able to just be all together like this, outside of the date we took her on that began our nightmare. “Fuck, if I wanted to get her to proclaim her undying love, I’d just do this!”
Gray turns, tickling Silla’s sides as she squeals. Sidney winces, and I know that he’s worried about her back, but she’s not feeling anything after her bath and the lotion.
“Mercy!” Silla screams, laughter coloring her voice. “Gray, I love you, but I have to pee!”
“No more golden showers, let the girl pee,” Isaac snickers.
Grayson drops a kiss on Silla’s lips casually, and I know I heard the inhaled gasp from her as he did. Moving away, he smirks. “You heard the man, one golden shower this week is more than enough.”
Crawling off the bed, she stands, hands on her hips. “Who is getting golden showers, and what weird kinks have we developed?” Silla asks, appalled. “I’m not kink shaming, but I’d much rather be showered in cum than pee.”
Leaving us in shock, she sprints to the bathroom.
“Did she…?!” I gasp, mouth dropped.
“She didn’t mean it, but fuck, I’m harder than a rock. I think I’m going to have to rub one out for the first time in I don’t even know how long,” Grayson groans, getting up.
“I’m coming with you,” Isaac mutters. “You can rub one out, and I’ll either take a cold shower or I’ll get off to your noises.”
I swear I’m having an aneurysm, because Grayson just grunts in agreement as they walk out.
“Did they…What…?” I think I’m broken.
Andrya smacks me over the head, snickering. “Get a hold of yourself, man,” she says with a grin. “That’s called healing. It’s a good thing. Now don’t be weird about it. We probably need to tell Silla about how you peed on a girl with Sidney. Maybe we’ll skip the fact that you possibly killed her too.”
“I looked at my darts after,” Sidney chuckles with a shrug. “I definitely used a lethal dose, but it’s a slower release of poison. Ding, dong, the whore is dead.”
“Who’s dead?” Silla asks, walking out of the bathroom.
“Oh shit,” Andrya whispers. “We were bad. Wanna come punish us?”
I worry that we may have pushed too far when Silla climbs up on the bed until she’s standing on the end.
“Absolutely,” Silla grins evilly. “Catch.”
Dropping onto our laps with her body, we all yell, scrambling to catch her. She doesn’t hurt us because she’s so tiny now, but fuck she scared me.
“Bad Kitten,” I growl, making her sit up in my lap.
“Maybe,” she responds, brushing her lips against mine. “Now tell me who you’re peeing on?”
Closing my eyes, I groan.
“Don’t make me enact the pinky promise,” she warns.
Andrya chortles delightedly, while Sidney hides his smile. Game, set, match.
“Can I get a kiss, too, if I debase myself by explaining how Sidney and I pissed on a girl for trying to climb into Grayson’s bed?” I ask with a wince.
“You…? What a little whore!” Silla exclaims, moving to straddle my lap.
“Kitten,” I protest as she sits firmly on my erection. I’m afraid that my dick will always be standing at attention as long as Silla is in the room. Fuck, she could be in the next room, and all I’d need is to hear her sultry, throaty voice.
“Dicks get hard,” Silla says dismissively. “I can’t really do anything about it right now…”