Page 52 of Seduce
Following Silla as her shadow, I watch her bid on a few items. I know it’s all going on the Queen’s card, and it makes me smile. Stress bids will lead to orgasms when we get home, because I need her to sleep well.
We can deal with Kenzo another day, but I don’t believe that we need his help either. What are his qualifications other than a bone to pick with a bloody queen?
Vengeful men can only breed ugly intentions I’ve learned. I need to find out a lot more about him before any of us agree to work with him.
Once Silla has exhausted her energy bidding, she walks out of the gauzy, white tents back into the night air.
Walking up behind her, I hold my hand just slightly away from her back so she can feel the warmth of it before I touch her.
“Dance with me,” I breathe in her ear. “He already knows about your boyfriends, it’ll do no harm.”
“You’re such a stalker,” she chuckles, even as she nods. “Tonight is going differently than I imagined, so I would love a dance.”
Walking her back through the maze and the creepy passageway, I guide her onto the black and white checkered dance floor. It reminds me of a throwback into time, but I love the elegance of it.
Turning her gently in a circle, I gather her to my body as I begin to lead the dance. “Another first,” I murmur in her ear. “I will count every single one for the rest of my life, because I’m lucky enough to be here with you.”
Biting her lip, she looks into my eyes with tears. Brushing my thumb along her waterline to catch them, I shake my head.
“No tears, Dangerous Girl, but I do want a promise,” I insist.
“Everything I have to give is already yours,” she breathes as she sways with me.
“Promise to stay with us. Fight for what’s important to you. Never let your light extinguish,” I growl, brushing my lips against her forehead. Silla has been slowly gathering strength the last few days, but I know that she’d choose us over her own survival a million times over. While I appreciate her fierce dedication to our safety, we can fight for ourselves too now.
I don’t want her to crumble at the first sense of trouble. I want her to beat the fucker down like the tigress that she is. Silla didn’t want to hurt Kenzo, which is why she didn’t throw her full fury at him. Her motions were half hearted at best, which means she knows when to fight and when to growl and threaten.
I want to watch her spar without any reservations, though. I want to see what she can really do if she needs to bring down a grown man. Kenzo isn’t on our side quite yet, and he’s a wild card.
Silla is quiet for a long time, and I wonder if she’s going to answer me. Finally, she whispers, “I promise.”
As I dance with my beautiful girl, I wonder if he’ll be her champion or foe. I’ll only accept the former when it comes to Silla.
Dancing with Grayson helped to ground me. I saw Andrya’s dress a few times during the ball, but there were so many people, it was difficult to spot her. The rest of the guys stayed away, but it made my heart happy that my broody warden felt the need to stalk me a bit.
I know they’re information gathering, so I grab a bottle of water to take a small break. The throngs of people are making my heart beat a little faster. I don’t remember there being this many people earlier in the main area, but I expect that they’re all done placing their bids.
Walking away from the dance floor, I walk closer to the beautiful Victorian home. There’s a swing dangling from the tree branches, and there are fairy lights strung throughout it. I don’t know what makes this tree different when the rest of the party has Edison bulbs, but I feel drawn to it.
I'm going to feel like an idiot if this swing doesn’t hold my weight and drops my ass on the ground.
Gingerly sitting on it, I give a small sigh of relief when it doesn’t collapse to the ground with me in it. Rocking back and forth, I sip from my bottle and stare up at the house. I had a shit childhood, and don’t believe I’ve ever sat on a swing before in my entire life. You don’t realize what you’re missing out on until it’s glaringly obvious.
“Having fun?” a deep voice asks, making me gasp and hold tightly to the rope because it startled me. Hands carefully grab my hips to balance me before moving away. “I didn’t mean to scare you. My apologies…”
There’s amusement in his voice as I twist to see who is speaking. He has black hair like Kenzo, but his eyes are lighter. I’m beginning to dislike the anonymity of this ball more and more.
“Marion Trainor was an amazing woman,” he says absently as he moves to stand next to me, looking up at the house. “She had a soft spot for orphans, so I know she’d love this event. It’s raised four million dollars already.”
“Wow,” I breathe. I really am impressed that so many children will be able to be helped by an event that I originally thought was more about glitter and excess.
“She helped me find a family when she found me,” he chuckles as he remembers her. “I believe you were here for my brother tonight, Silla?”
Cocking my head, I rock back and forth on the swing. “Like your brother, I believe you have the advantage,” I tell him snarkily. There’s only one person I’m here for tonight, so I take a shot in the dark.