Page 67 of Seduce
Isaac and Grayson glance up as I slip in the door. “Did you scare the shit out of the kid?” Gray asks with a smirk. We played rock, paper, scissors for the honor of going to see what Kal was up to. It was so satisfying watching him scream. Little punk.
“Yep. He screamed and fell over,” I chuckle. “It was so much fun.”
“Damn, sis. We haven’t made anyone scream in a while,” Ayden chuckles, coming into the living room from the kitchen. He’s snacking on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and it’s making me hungry.
“You pissed on the last person who screamed for us.” I grin. Yeah, we’re the Fuck-a-teers for a reason, and not just because the three of us like to fuck. “Is Sidney with Silla then?”
“Yeah, she fell asleep with the sleep aid, but was whimpering in her sleep. I fucking hate that the emergency tea is so hard on her. Damn limp dicks need to keep it in their pants,” Isaac growls.
If their cocks were limp, we wouldn’t have an issue, but it gives me an idea. When Silla is queen, I’m going to suggest that any man who rapes a woman be given a shot that causes erectile dysfunction permanently. Fuck yeah, that’s one hell of a new law.
Stirring myself from my thoughts, I force myself to focus. “Did you know that Kal hasn’t ever seen Silla’s face because of the masks, but is a bit obsessed with her? It’s a cute infatuation, though I don’t think he’s Silla’s type. He’s so… sweet,” I mutter.
Grayson snorts, leaning his forearms on his thighs. It’s some damn fine arm porn.
“Not one of us can be considered sweet,” he says. “Isaac is grumpy, the three of you are insane, and if I had the opportunity to chase Silla through the woods and fuck her when I caught her, I’d take it.”
“I vote we make that happen after we kill the queen,” I insist, shivering because that’s fucking hot.
“I’ll chase you down, Sweetness, whenever you want,” Sidney whispers behind me as he wraps his hand around my neck. Whimpering, I rub my thighs together. I think I may finally be ready for sex. I’ve had a long road to heal. “If you’re needy, just say the word.”
Kissing my cheek, he moves away, the promise covering me in goosebumps.
“Speaking of Silla’s men,” Gray says, “did Falcon remove the collar from around his throat?”
“I don’t think so,” I muse. “Are we counting him as hers? Although his groveling has been entertaining to watch.”
“Silla has found herself a pet,” Sidney smirks. “I think it’s good for her. I wasn’t sure about Falcon, but he seems to want to help us.”
“We’ll reserve judgment then,” Isaac grunts, going back to his computer. “I am going to need to meet with Falcon’s people so we can ensure they’re in the proper positions.”
“He left it with me before he left,” Sidney confirms. “Did the boy want anything else?”
While Kal is nineteen, it feels painfully young. We’re going to be giving him shit for a long time.
“Oh!” I gasp. I keep forgetting… “I need to check Silla’s clutch for a note that was apparently given to her at the dance, and Isaac we have company outside. I think it’s one of the Queen’s auditors, because he was wearing a navy blue suit. He stopped Kal to speak to him. Do you think that you can check the cameras for a better image of him?”
“Yeah,” he grunts, tapping the keys of the laptop. “I got it. Do we have to worry about the kid turning on us?”
“No, I don’t think so.” I shake my head. “If he turns on us, he’ll turn on Falcon, and I just don’t see that happening, Isaac. Focus that big brain of yours on figuring out who Cinder has watching us instead of finding enemies that don’t exist.”
Isaac rolls his eyes at me as he gets to work, and I start to search for Silla’s hand bag. It’s not in the living room, or our bedroom, or the bathrooms. We were all exhausted, stripped and went to bed after the party.
Silla was also livid after her experiences with the brothers. They’re lucky we were as nice as we were. Sidney wanted to take a paring knife to their dicks. Grayson vetoed it. Party pooper.
Digging in the closet, I finally find the damn bag.
“‘Drya?” Silla asks sleepily. Fuck me running.
“I’m so sorry, Baby. I need to find the note you were given. Did you forget about it?” I ask, coming out of the closet to sit next to her.
“Yeah,” she murmurs. “Sorry. Too much happening. What does it say?”
Silla is so groggy, so I brush her hair back as I open her bag. “Kal was outside of the building skulking,” I tattle. “He is the one who told me about the paper.”
Silla makes a face, making me chuckle as I pull out the note and read it to Silla.
I need to see you, Drizella. Come to the castle on Friday. West entrance. 4pm.