Page 19 of Endless Harmonies
“You can’t,” Lennon mutters, turning in her sleep. “Don’t. Please stop touching me!”
Fuck. Blinking hard, I try to hold back the tears. I can only imagine what she’s dreaming about. Our girl has survived so much over the last year, and she seems sonormalfrom day to day.
The truth is that there’s no normal for how to deal with trauma. Sometimes it takes you by surprise.
Gasping, Lennon sits up, but her eyes are still closed.
“She’s stuck,” Orion grunts, crawling over us to Len. Holding her face tightly, he talks to her as if she’s the only person in the room. “Hey, Sweet Girl, come back to us. They don’t have a hold of you. We will always find you. Always. Open your eyes.”
As if pulled by a string, she opens her eyes, sagging as she recognizes Orion.
“O,” she breathes.
“Hey, want to tell me who had a hold of you in your dreams, Little Love?” he asks, smoothing back her hair.
The babies start to cry, and Derek leaps up with Roark to pick them up.
“I… it was dark, and it was bits and pieces. I was drugged and people were touching me, doing things I didn’t want to do,” she whispers, pain and shame heavy in her words.
“You didn’t do anything wrong in that memory,” I rasp, realizing what she was dreaming about. Dr. Xav sold her to the highest bidder while she was at the hospital.
“I don’t think I’ve ever dreamed about it,” she confesses, her arms slightly trembling as she takes Saira from Roark. O supports her as she holds the baby, making sure she’s steady.
“You know what, sit up,” he mutters. Looking confused, she does as he asks, and Orion wiggles behind her to support her better. I’m sure the snuggles don’t hurt either. “Much better.”
“I love you too,” she says, her lips twitching as she starts to feed Saira first and then situates Devlin. “I’m safe, I’m here, and I’m so damn loved.”
“Yes,” I rumble, drinking in my gorgeous girl.
“Lenny, remember how I proposed?” Roark asks, chewing on his lip.
“Aye,” she teases, laying her head on Orion’s chest as she looks up at him. “I do recall that.”
“You’re such a brat,” he chuckles.
“I am, Daddy. What are you going to do about it?”
Orion’s shoulders shake as he silently laughs and Lenny giggles.
“I want us to marry you,” Roark confirms. “I mean, I want us all to figure out some kind of commitment ceremony, since it won’t be legal, and I want it to be soon.”
“I would love that,” she agrees with a smile before biting her lip. “Um, how soon?”
“Do you remember who you’re related to?” I grin. “Jordan Miles is going to make the best wedding coordinator, don’t you think?”
The quiet laughter is something I would rather have any day of the week instead of Lavender’s panicked noises.
“Anyone have any idea what coast that man is on right now?” Roark asks. Knowing him, he wants to call him right now.
Glancing at the time, I see it’s four in the morning. Eh, either way it’s possible he may be awake.
“I don’t know, should we chance it and call?” Derek asks, excitement sparking in his eyes. I know he was worried he would be be left behind.
“Yes, but before we do, I want to make something clear. This right here, in this room, you’re ours. It doesn’t matter who has had sex with who, how far our relationships are, we are in this together. So this marriage is all of us against the world, understood?”
Orion’s wide green eyes meet mine in shock.
“This is why I’m saying this,” I insist leaning my forearms on my raised legs. “Joining our little family doesn’t mean you’re less important. O, you pulled Lavender out of her nightmare like a pro. She was lost and you helped her wake up. You, Derek, you’re important to us.”