Page 44 of Endless Harmonies
“Fuck, fuck,” Orion whines. “I’m not going to last. It feels too good.”
“Come when you need to,” I tell him, popping off his cock. Wordlessly, Turner and I switch, and Orion mewls, hips jerking forward as Turner drags his tongue down his dick. Together, we force him to come.
Turner lets a little of it dribble out of his mouth, and I suck and lick, thoroughly cleaning him up.
“Such a good boy,” Derek says, kissing him. “They are very intense together. That’s what it means to be theirs.”
Turner and I finish sucking down Orion’s cum while Derek holds him through his writhing orgasm. We really did edge him to the brink of his sanity. Standing, I kiss Derek and then Orion before murmuring, “Mine.”
Turner follows, kissing them both slowly, possessively. Orion’s pants are still around his ankles, but no one fucking cares. Not at this moment. This is a goddamned claiming.
“Ours,” Turner growls, his hand wrapped around the back of Orion’s neck.
“Yes,” O whispers, eyes wide. Derek, Turner, and I pull off the masks, even though he’s known who we are. It was really fooking hot though to chase and fuck him like this.
“We gave you space, figured each other out, now you’re stuck with us,” I tell him with a wry grin, moving to release his arms.
Orion dresses quickly, looking a bit overwhelmed. That’s okay though. Tonight was about showing him what it’s like to be in our family. The gloves are off.
Walking slowly back in the dark through the woods, we take our time. Lennon is sleeping with the babes in the chair, her arms protectively wrapped around them. Knowing better than to remove them while she’s asleep because she’ll startle badly, I kiss her awake.
“Mmm, you taste like Orion,” she says softly, opening her eyes.
“Aye, Little Valkyrie. You fell asleep. Can we help you with the babes so you can sleep in a proper bed?” I ask, chuckling.
“Yes, please. I thoroughly enjoyed what I could hear, and then sleep I guess took over,” she says with a small smile.
Orion kisses her forehead, picking up Devlin. “You had a really crazy week, Baby,” he says, frowning. I know he worried about her.
“She’ll be fine with some sleep.” Turner smirks, picking Saira up carefully. I swear they can tell when they’re apart and fuss.
I do my duty and scoop her up into my arms to take her upstairs.
“We love you, which means we worry,” I tell her as we walk inside.
“I love you and I secretly love that you do.”
Lennon is knocked out again by the time I put her in our bed, and we quickly take showers in the many bathrooms on the second floor before joining her.
I can’t wait to marry them, but in the meantime, I’m so glad we’re together.
Rocking the babies on the porch the following week makes me smile as I remember the whoops and screams that echoed through the woods that night. It’s about damn time my men claimed Orion.
“You have a very suspicious smile. Do I even want to know?” Greg asks, sitting next to me.
Smothering a laugh, I shrug. The twins are fast asleep with me, the afternoon air helping them to settle and relax. I’m still figuring out what works after four weeks of having them earth side.
“Probably not, unless you heard the yelling in our woods last week,” I giggle.
“I thought Griffin and Tesa regularly fucking outside was bad,” he mutters.
My shoulders are trembling as I silently laugh. Oh my God, I can’t breathe from giggling.
“Do you think this is going to be a regular thing?” he snarks, and I wheeze.