Page 70 of Endless Harmonies
Orion says things so calmly, I nod as he puts my feet on the ground. My legs hold my weight, and I gratefully let go of him.
“Turner, please call Jordan and let him know that his brother has regretfully been involuntarily committed until further notice,” Greg says as Orion and he lift him. “He can call me about where he can find him. Unfortunately, I think James may have a few broken bones.”
“Beat the fuck out of him,” Turner snarls as he dials my uncle. Jordan had to fly back to California for meetings, and as far as I knew, James was on a no fly list.
“How did he end up here?” I rasp.
Greg immediately stops, glaring down at my father.
“Answer her,” he grunts. Orion kicks James in the stomach, making me wince. The man is obviously not well, but on the other hand, he attacked me.
“I drove here,” James groans. “I’m on the fucking no-fly list like a damn criminal. I can’t work, so I decided to come back here when I heard you got married. How the fuck do you get married to so many men? This isn’t legal! When I saw you in the wig, I snapped. I really saw Carrie. I’m still not sure you’re not.”
The last part is whispered so low that I almost didn’t hear it.
Greg’s eyebrow lifts at me and I nod, waving my hand. I’ve had quite enough of my family’s crazy for one day.
Derek and Roark rush over to me, and they both hiss as they look at my face. I can feel a trickle of blood, and I’m pretty sure that I’m bleeding. Happy Halloween to me, indeed.
Turner is talking to Jordan, and Layla walks over to me.
“I’m so so—”
“Lay, you’re not responsible for your father,” I interrupt her. “He snapped because he thought I was my mother.”
“You’re not her. It’s a goddamn costume,” she complains. We are definitely rubbing off on her. Tyler followed her, seeming worried as he looks me over.
“You’re going to need stitches for that,” he winces.
“Of course I do,” I sigh. “Can someone please walk me home? I think I’m partied out.”
Mama Rodriguez picks her way over to us, shaking her head. “I’ll fix your head,mija, and make sure that it doesn't scar. I have a tea for your throat too,” she murmurs.
I spend the rest of Halloween chatting with Mama Rodriguez while receiving updates from Greg, and nursing the babies as they wake up. My life is definitely not boring.
Derek squats next to me with a sigh as I sip my tea. “James is still insisting that he saw Carrie. He definitely had a psychotic break,” he says. “He is going to be under observation for awhile, but Greg said he’d let us know when he’s out.”
Nodding, I bite my lip as Turner’s phone rings. It’s almost two in the morning and I’m ready for bed. They wanted me to stay awake because they were worried I may be concussed.
“Hi, Jordan, she’s right here,” Turner says. I thought my uncle may be calling.
“Hi Uncle Jordan,” I sigh as I take the phone. He insists on a video call, making me wrinkle my nose as I accept. My face is a bit of a mess at the moment. I had to change my dress because of the bloodstains. I’m wearing borrowed sweats now.
“Don’t ‘hi’ me,”Jordan grumbles. “I swear, I keep fucking up when it comes to you. I didn’t know he was that on the edge. Apparently, the label says that his clients are reporting that James has been muttering weird shit. This evaluation has been due. I had no idea.”
“This isn’t your fault. It’s not,” I deny. “There’s no way you could have known. Sometimes bad shit happens. Are you stuck out in California for a bit?”
“No. I’m at the airport now,” he explains. Focusing, I realize I can hear announcements in the background. I can’t tell him that he doesn’t have to rush back because he’ll get offended.
“Okay,” I say instead. "I’ll see you when you get home.”
“Do I get a house too?” Jordan teases me before he winks and says goodbye.
I’m smiling though, and I think that was his plan all along. Saying goodnight to Tesa, Tori, and everyone else, we walk back to our house through the tunnel. Well, Orion insisted on carrying me. I’m already dozing off by the time we get up to our room.
The guys put the kids to bed, helping me to change before I crawl under the covers. Each of them make sure to touch me as I fall asleep.
“You kind of kicked his ass, Little Valkyrie,” Roark chuckles as he snuggles closer to me.