Page 8 of Endless Harmonies
Greg doesn’t make idle chatter, so my eyes narrow.
“Yes,” Derek and I drawl, waiting him out.
Snorting, Greg shakes his head. “I didn’t completely give you a choice initially,” he says. “There’s safety working for me, I can clean up kills easier. I know when the darkness needs to be scratched, because I’m the same way. I’m not bothered by bones crunching and screams at all.”
“You had a point when you said I’ve been lucky.” I shrug. “I enjoy being able to help others and still scratch the itch, as you said.”
“Good,” Greg grunts. “You feel the same, Derek?”
“Yep. These people reminded me in a way of my father. They only care about their bottom line, regardless of the lives they destroy,” he says.
In agreement, we watch as the pigs devour the now dead person in the pen. Twelve minutes later, I gather up the rope and toss it in a fire bin a few feet from the pigs. It’ll burn into ash by morning, taking with it any evidence.
Now, I’m more than ready to go home. Humming aDarkest Nights’song under my breath, we get back into the car to head to the airport.
The twins are sleeping peacefully in their cribs adjacent to the bed and I’m snuggling Lavender this morning as Roark snuck out of bed to start breakfast. Derek and O are on their way home, so he wanted to surprise them with food.
It’s truly his love language, despite being a little tired. Holding back a yawn, I bury my face in Lavender’s neck, eyes slowly drooping closed.
The sound of the front door opening wakes me up, and I groan softly. Once the sun rises, I am such a light sleeper.
“Good morning, baby,” Lennon murmurs, turning in my arms to kiss my jaw. “I love you.”
“Hmmm, I love you, beautiful. The boys are back,” I chuckle. “I’m pretty sure the babies will be up soon too, I can feel how hard your boobs are.”
“Does that mean I get breakfast?” O teases, popping his head in. He’s so quiet, I honestly didn’t hear him come up the stairs.
“They hurt,” Lennon pouts, turning to look up at him. Her hazel eyes sparkle with mischief, and Orion pounces onto the bed with us, tugging down her shirt.
“Yum, come to daddy,” he growls, sucking on her breasts and squeezing. Moaning needily, Lennon surprises me as she threads her fingers into his hair.
She’s not allowed to have sex. I know that, O knows that, and yet my cock hasn’t gotten the message as it swells. Goddamn, she’s a vision.
“I missed you, little love,” Orion murmurs as he rises from his position suckling her tits. Milk runs freely from her nipples, and there’s some on his lips too.
I chuckle as Lennon pulls him to her, kissing his lips. “I missed you too. I’m glad you’re home,” she whispers.
A soft cry escapes from one of the cribs, making me smirk. I totally called it. Orion and I stand, moving to check on the twins. When one cries, the other is sure to follow. Saira looks fit to be tied, face pinched and angry as she demands her milk. Devlin twists in his sleep, his little fists raised as if to fight off whatever is angering his little sister. These two will be a force of nature, I can already tell.
“Little Saira,” O coos, making me melt as he picks up our daughter. “Such a big voice for a little girl. Tell me all about how mad you are at Daddy O for stealing your milk.”
I can’t help but chuckle at his antics as Devlin’s blue eyes pop open as if he can feel that his sister isn’t near him anymore. His body twists, as he searches, beginning to cry softly.
“I got you, buddy,” I say softly as I pick him up. “Your sister is having her breakfast. Fancy joining her?”
Lennon is propped up against the pillows, cuddling Saira to her as she nurses. Her gray eyes track me as I walk, checking on Devlin.
“He’s fine, just looking for his sister,” I tell her with a smile.
“Such a good wee protector,” she says with a smile. She’s been reading too many Irish romances.
“He is,” I agree, transferring him to her other arm and helping him to latch since her arms are full. I’ve become a pro at this, but honestly the twins search well for their food too.
Relaxing, she sighs happily as they eat.