Page 72 of We Burn Beautiful
He nodded.
“Tell me.”
“You told me I was yours a lot. Said you wanted to claim me, so you did.”
“I do,” I said, pressing a kiss to the tip. “I’ve wanted to for so long, Gray. Because you are, you know? Mine.”
“Yeah.” His hand worked faster, and I had to slow my breathing to steady my racing heart. He was masturbating. Gray Collins was bringing himself pleasure, just for me. “I’m yours, Kent. I’m yours?” It wasn’t a declaration. It was like he was pleading. Begging for the words to be true.
“Mine,” I barked, sinking my teeth into his hip. I sucked his skin, wanting to leave a mark. Wanting to fucking claim him. “Mine, Gray. Only mine.”
“Forever,” I said. If he didn’t pace himself, our first time in two decades would end in a lackluster session of mutual masturbation. I placed my hand on top of his and shook my head. “If you keep going, I won’t get a chance to even touch it.” I stared at the length of it through his underwear, licking my lips. “And I really want to touch it.” When his movement stopped, I looped my fingers around his waistband and looked into his eyes. “Can I touch it?”
He crushed his lip between his teeth, and after a moment of contemplation, he nodded.
That was all I needed. I yanked his underwear down, the sudden movement causingitto spring out, slapping me on the chin. Without looking up, I took him in my hand.
I was holding his dick. Gray’s dick was in my hand. It was the most surreal moment of my life.
“Oh my God,” I whispered. My eyes rushed to find him, and when our gazes locked, I had to fight back the urge to thank him for allowing this. For giving this part of himself back to me. I managed, but I couldn’t stop myself from telling him, “I love you, Gray.”
He smiled, his fingers tangling through my hair. “I love you, Half-pint.”
I leaned closer, unsure of where to start. There were six inches for me to worship. In the end, I started at the top, licking a bead that had escaped the tip. His flavor was even stronger than I remembered. Salty, with just a hint of sticky sweetness. My fingers dug into his cheeks. The last time I’d fucked him, he’d gripped me like a vise. It had been twenty years since he’d been touched there. Could he take me again? Would he want to?
“Hey, Kent? You want to see something cool?” he said, waggling his eyebrows like a fool. Before I could respond, he flexed his dick, making it bounce repeatedly like an overzealous seesaw.
“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be waiting for. You’re just making it twitch up and dow—” With my mouth opened, he smacked the head against my cheek, leaving a trail of slick against my skin. He jerked his hips to the side, his dick landing in my mouth.
“Hole in one,” he said with a look of pride.
I tried to pull my mouth off so I could tell him how ridiculous his actions were, but he gripped me by the back of the head and pulled me forward. He pumped his hips slowly at first, getting me used to the rhythm.
“Wow. That’s—yeah, that’s—gosh. I didn’t think it would feel this good.” Before long, his speed was so fast, he was essentially fucking my face. Eventually, he pried himself away from me, his dick pointed accusingly at my face, the tip red and hostile. He crooked his finger, motioning me toward him. Obediently, I stood, taking my place in front of him.
“Was that okay?” I said.
He gave me a gentle kiss, his fingers sliding through my hair. “You were perfect. You’re always perfect.” Then, our lips crashed and his tongue tore through my mouth. There was movement below, and it took me a second to realize he was rolling his hips, grinding against my thigh.
I knew where I wanted this to go. The things I wanted to do to him. Gray was a man of conviction, though. I might not have shared his faith, but aside from me, his relationship with God was the most important part of his life. I couldn’t stand the thought of him regretting this when it was over. I pulled away and stared at him. His eyes were closed, his mouth hanging open, and he leaned forward, chasing blindly after me. He blinked a few times, shaking his head to steady himself.
“Is this okay?” I said. “I know we’re not …” I swallowed, nervous that the word might pull him out of the moment. “I know we aren’tmarriedyet. Is that going to be a problem? Do you want to wait? We can, I don’t mind.”
He shook his head and stared up at the ceiling like he was staring at God himself. “Heknows what you mean to me. What I mean to you. I’ve been yours since we were kids, Half-pint. He doesn’t need a ring or vows to know that.” He lowered his gaze back to me and smiled. “But just so we’re clear, I want to.”
“There’s nothing I want more than to stand before our family and friends—in front of God—and tell them all that I’m yours. Forever, Kent. It’s gonna be us forever.”
“You promise?”
He took my hand and guided it to his chest, pressing it over his heart. “I swear.”
I nodded. “Good. I want that, too.” I pecked him on his lips, digging my nails gently into his chest. “I’ve wanted that for so long.” I smiled at him, arching an eyebrow. “Now, I need you to get on the bed.”
His eyes darted back and forth between me and the bed. “Why?” he said, his hands shaking.