Page 36 of Bones
He nods and finishes the last of his second drink.
“I just knew if I involved my security or the police, it wouldn’t end well for her. These kinds of people… they don’t like when you come prepared. I can’t risk Melissa being murdered because of my arrogance.”
“They won’t see us coming,” I promise him. “I know this side of things a lot better than you do. You were smart not to involve the police, but you’re going to need manpower. I’m willing to bet whoever took her isn’t a lone agent. There will be a fight, and you won’t win on your own.”
“I’m never going to be able to thank you enough, Seer,” he says so earnestly I feel uncomfortable again. “If . . . when you bring my daughter back safely, I will guarantee you any official favor you want. I don’t have a lot of money, but I still have power in this city. Seriously, whatever you want will be yours.”
I nod curtly and take his glass back, putting it in the sink to be washed. He stands up on shaky legs and heads toward the door. I guide him back out into the hallway and point him toward the front door, keeping my eye on him as he goes. He’s not anything like I expected him to be in person. Compared to the other leaders I’ve met over the years, I would almost say that he’s a good man too. Hell, I might even change my mind and vote for him.
“We could always use an IT upgrade,” Snake suggests, which earns him an eyeroll from everyone in the room. “If you guys want me to keep functioning at my job, I need a full systems upgrade and an assistant. I can’t leave you again knowing that no one is going to help while I’m away.”
“So don’t leave again,” Hex shoots at him.
“Sure, and let me tell Juliana that your yearly trip to Brazil is cancelled this year,” Snake bites back, causing Pocus to snort. Snake’s apparently grown a pair of balls since getting married.
“I’ll find the money in our budget for your updates and your assistant,” Seer interjects, shooting both men an annoyed look. “I’m not asking the mayor for that.”
I sigh in frustration, tired of this subject. Seer’s called us together so we can strategize on how to get Melissa back, but so far, all anyone wants to talk about is Mayor Prudent’s visit and his promise of a favor. Screw that guy. If he weren’t the mayor, none of this would be happening. He should just step down so she can be returned safely.
“I still think we should have called church,” Pocus cuts in, eyeing Seer purposefully. “We need to let everyone know what’s happening.”
“And we will,” Seer tells him with authority. “But right now, Bones’s relationship to Melissa is on a need-to-know basis, and I’m not discussing the favor as a group. Can you imagine what those idiots would throw out if we made this a group project? We get one favor, and it’s going to be made among the five of us.”
“The married clique,” I grumble, crossing my arms. “Which, by the way, I am not going to join. This situation doesn’t change anything.”
“Right,” Seer answers sarcastically. “But if this were truly the married clique, Graveyard and Knix would be here too. It’s not my fault that the highest ranking members of this club just so happen to be married.”
“Can we focus?” I ask, my patience officially gone. “Melissa’s been gone for fifteen hours, and we know how precious time is in these situations. Snake, you really haven’t found anything?”
He shakes his head gravely. “I’m sorry, Bones, I’ve combed through hours of video footage and I haven’t seen her in any of it. I’ve run her face through a scanner and there’s nothing.”
“What about that kid from the center?” I ask, remembering when Snake went missing. “The one who tracked down Snake last year? Couldn’t he help?”
“He moved to London,” Seer says sadly. “I already spoke to Meredith, he’s not able to help from that distance.”
“There has to be something!” I yell, standing up because I physically can’t contain my anxiety anymore. “She didn’t just vanish into thin air. Someone took her, someone’s been following her. Snake, there’s nothing from the last two months that you could find?”
“I went through footage from the club the night that Melissa was stalked. She’s not on the footage at all, which means I have no idea who was following her. Without a description, I can’t just guess what he looked like.”
“And the first night she was attacked?” I ask, feeling desperate. “The night at the center.”
“There weren’t cameras in that alleyway,” Seer says somberly. “Believe me, I’ve already made a call to have some installed. Unfortunately, that doesn’t help us find her now.”
“I can describe him,” I tell Snake with certainty. “If I give you a detailed description, can you make a profile of his face?”
“It’s worth a shot,” he says with a shrug.
“Hex, can you ask Juliana if she remembers what the creep at the club looked like?”
“Of course,” he says, standing up and pulling out his phone.
“Write it down,” Seer calls to him as he leaves the room. “Your retellings aren’t as good as you think they are.”
“He really is shit at Pictionary,” Pocus mutters.
I look between both of them and throw my hands up in annoyance. Of all the stupid things to be worried about right now.