Page 82 of Hawk
“Do you want to die right here and right now?”
A slow smile spreads across his lips and his eyes glitter with a light of amusement. He’s enjoying this game far too much.
“Where is she?” I ask again.
“She’s not here.”
“You took her. I got your message,” I snap, doing my best not to squeeze the trigger right now. I have to find out where she is first. “So, what’s the point of dragging me all the way down here if you’re going to play these stupid fucking games?”
He leans forward, his eyes glued to mine. “Maybe I enjoy stupid fucking games.”
I take a step forward, still holding the gun leveled at his face. “I’m going to ask you one more time and then I’m going to pull this trigger,” I growl. “Where. Is. Molly?”
“I’m telling you that she’s not here,” he replies. “You can search the entire clubhouse if you want. But she ain’t here.”
“Then where is she?”
He shakes his head. “I got no idea. And that’s God’s honest truth.”
“Hammerhead, you wouldn’t know the truth if it walked up and punched you in the balls.”
He guffaws and nods. “Maybe not. But I still don’t know where she is.”
“What did you do with her?” I ask, fighting to keep the emotion out of my voice—and failing. “Did you hurt her?”
Hammerhead looks at me coldly. “Did you really think there weren’t going to be any consequences for doing everything you did?” he sneers. “You destroyed my club. You tried to fucking kill me! Did you really think you were going to walk away from that unscathed?”
“She had nothin’ to do with any of that.”
“No. But I know that by hurting her, I’m hurting you,” he says with a wolfish grin. “You’re going to spend the rest of your life wondering what happened to her and your perfectly happy little bubble of domestic bliss is forever shattered. Kind of sad, isn’t it?”
“Tell me where she is.”
He shrugs. “Like I said, I can’t tell you what I don’t know.”
“I’m not fucking with you, Hammerhead.”
“And I’m not fucking with you,” he shrugs. “I don’t know where she is.”
A tense moment of silence passes between us and I’m doing all I can to keep myself from shooting him in the face. But he’s making it almost impossible, and I have a feeling, sooner or later, I’m just going to give in to my rage and pull the trigger.
Hammerhead chuckles. “Here, let me help you out. You’re asking the wrong question.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Ask me why I don’t know where she is.”
I cock my head and look at him, threads of confusion wrapping themselves around my heart. I shake my head and he lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Not sure I can dumb this down any more for you, man. You’ve got to meet me halfway on this,” he says.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I said, ask me why I don’t know where she is.”
I sigh. “I don’t want to play these stupid fucking games. Tell me.”
“You’re in my house. I’m holding all the cards,” he snaps. “You’re going to play these stupid fucking games if you want answers.”