Page 12 of Angels Above
When Morgan returned and handed over the bottle, she put it in Leah’s mouth.
“She’s a greedy one,” Morgan said. “Try to burp her after an ounce. She gets mad, but otherwise she gets a bellyache too.”
“I can’t believe you know that already,” she said. “Did you learn that with all the dogs?”
Her sister laughed and looked around the living room. Cooper’s two Rottweiler mixes, Harry and David, were in the kitchen watching him and probably hoping for food to fall on the floor. Morgan’s two pugs, Mark and Donnie, were sound asleep in their bed now that Mia had stopped giving them attention.
“No,” Morgan said. “Through trial and error and lack of sleep. I finally decided to try burping after every ounce and though Leah isn’t happy while she’s eating. Once she’s done she’s a much calmer baby.”
“Sarah said Eli sleeps all the time now,” she said.
“I wouldn’t say all the time,” Morgan said. “But at four months old, he’s taking two long naps during the day and going for five to six hours straight at night before he wants a bottle. It was starting him on cereal and jarred foods. He’s fuller.”
“I would be too. Who wants to just drink milk all the time?”
“Babies,” Morgan said.
“I guess you’re right. When are you going back to work?”
“She has nine more weeks,” Cooper yelled from the kitchen.
Morgan sighed. “There is your answer.”
“It doesn’t sound like you’re happy about that,” she said quietly.
“I’m getting there. I want to be with her. I do. But it’s hard when I’m used to working so much. When Leah is sleeping there isn’t much for me to do. It’s not like I can hold her all day, nor would I.”
“She’s such a doll to hold,” Mia said, pulling the bottle out and putting Leah on her shoulder, then patting her gently. She’d done it a bunch of times now and wasn’t as afraid as she was the first time she’d held her brother’s son.
“She is,” Morgan said.
“Have you figured out daycare yet?” she asked. “Sorry if I’m not around much to help. Work is busy but not so much that I can’t be here more.”
“You’re getting settled in your new place and life,” Morgan said. “It’s fine. In nine weeks I’m going back to the clinic and Cooper is going to take a month off to stay with Leah. He has a part-time vet filling in for me now who will stay on when I go back and Cooper is off. So we’ve got till the first of the year to get this squared away.”
“That’s so nice,” she said. “You’re a good guy, Cooper.”
“I am,” he yelled back. “Keep telling your sister that so she doesn’t change her mind before the wedding.”
Morgan laughed. “Not happening and he knows it. As for daycare, I’ve got a place lined up, but Sarah isn’t happy where she’s taking Eli.”
“How come?” she asked.
Shouldn’t she know this stuff? Was she still out of touch with her family even though she was closer?
Or maybe it had to do with Morgan having more in common with their sister-in-law and Mia was just left out of it.
She didn’t want that to be the case.
Maybe that was part of the reason she moved too.
She missed her sister even though Morgan had another life with Cooper now.
She enjoyed their sister-in-law, Sarah, too.
But they had significant others...and she didn’t even have a dog.
She was thinking of a fish. She could talk to a fish and not feel like a fool. It’s not like a fish would require a lot of care.