Page 18 of Angels Above
“What clue is that?” he asked.
“That you help people out.”
He nodded. He figured Brian would have said that. “Everyone needs help at times.”
“They do,” she said. “I should know. I spent the past several years of my career burning out trying to do it. But I learned you can’t help everyone and some people don’t want it even when they say they do.”
He got her to open up so he’d give just enough of himself to see what he got out of her before he decided to try dinner out.
Mia wasn’t quite sure how she ended up here with Cal, but she wasn’t going to think much more about it.
She was entitled to lunch and she was taking it with the friendly man that asked her.
Not only did she want to know more about him as a client but she did as a person too.
It was the first man since she’d lived here that she was slightly attracted to and wanted to spend some time with.
From his dark hair that might need a trim, to the close-cut beard.
He was casual and laid back and nothing like most of the men she dated.
All the reason in her mind to try to find out more.
“You know I’m going to want to know more about that statement you just made,” he said.
“I’ll tell you once you tell me more about you. But first things first, since this isn’t billable hours, I should know if you’re single or not. Or am I really off base here?”
“Not off base. And yes, I’m single. You?”
“I am,” she said. “I moved here just two months ago or so. A little over that. I haven’t had much time for a personal life while I adapt to a new job and area.”
“But your family lives here,” he said.
“My brother has for a few years. Morgan less than a year. My parents still live in Philly. I wouldn’t be surprised if they move when they retire. They aren’t tied there and we are all here.”
Her parents had been talking about it for the last several months. They wanted to be near their grandkids. There was no way she was going to stay in the area she grew up in all by herself.
In her mind nothing was keeping her there.
“I’ve always lived in this area,” he said.
“It shows with how many people know you,” she said.
“It’s still a big area and a lot of people.”
“True. So...tell me more about these businesses and how you became the self-made millionaire everyone wants to be.”
He started to laugh. “I’m not so sure everyone wants to be me.”
“I’m sure more than you realize,” she said. “I might have done a little internet search on you and saw some articles.”
The server came over and got their drink orders, read the specials off and asked if they were ready to order. She hadn’t even looked at the menu that was handed to them by the hostess.
“I’ll have the chicken salad club special.” It sounded good and after looking at the menu she knew she always went with her first choice.