Page 12 of Agnarr's Jarlin
“What are you thinking?” I asked, after some time.
“Too many things,” she smiled tightly.
“Okay, let’s go with what is concerning you the most right now?”
“How pissed is Astrid going to be that I went against her decision and fled to the Snaerfírar Tribe? Is it going to make her think I am not steady enough to take her place?” she asked, voice quavering.
I rolled her question over in my head. Astrid knewIhad planned to head to the north on my own, but she thought it was to get the herbs for Piper, not to go on a rescue mission.
“I have known Astrid for a long time. She is very fair. I also think she will have empathy considering you were panicking on a foreign planet. Though we haven’t had anyone in the tribe with anxiety for some time, I know Astrid has known orkin with who have suffered from it. I’m optimistic that she won’t hold your need to run against you. Especially considering how pleased she will be with the outcome.”
“Pleased? Why will she be pleased?” Piper asked.
“Astrid has wanted to step down as jarlin for several árs. She wanted me to take her spot, but not until I had taken a mate. She would rather have a pair ruling. And she thought a mate would steady me.” I huffed out a laugh.
Piper laughed, “Do you think I will steady you? I don’t feel like the steadying kind.”
“I think we will make an amazing pair of leaders. I would struggle to manage the changes our tribe is going to have to undergo with the introduction of the humans without you,” I confessed.
Piper’s cheeks flushed adorably pink, but she didn’t voice any agreement. I could tell she was still in her head about everything that had happened.
“Where are we headed?” she asked as we continued to walk.
“To Astrid’s cabin.”
“Now? Right now?!” She yelped, eyes wide.
“Did you think there would be another more appropriate time?”
“Well, no. But I figured you would have to make an appointment with her or something like that.”
I laughed, “For one, that isn’t the relationship that Astrid and I have. For two, that isn’t how she rules as jarlin. She is there for any tribes member that needs her.”
Piper looked thoughtful, “I think that’s the type of jarlin I would like to be. I don’t think I would like feeling as if there were a barrier between me and those that I lead.”
“I feel the same way. I wouldn’t feel comfortable acting as if we were above everyone,” I responded.
“Well, look at us!” she said, smiling, “we just made our first decision as jarl and jarlin.”
“That we did. Decidinghowyou want to rule seems like a good place to start.”
We continued down the path to Astrid’s cabin. It was near the center of the village, providing all with easy access. The only difference between Astrid’s cabin and the other families’ cabins was the size of her garden. Astrid loved to grow things and shared all her bounty with the tribe, so no one begrudged her larger plot of land. No one grew a better kúrbít than Astrid. I squeezed Pip’s hand as we approached.
“Are you ready?” I asked.
“As ready as I can be,” she whispered, leaning into me.
“Welcome back, Agnarr and Piper,” Astrid said, one eyebrow raised while still bent over her vegetables, as though she could feel us coming.
“Hello, Jarlin Astrid,” I said formally, trying to hide my smile.
Astrid appraised the two of us, garden trowel in hand, “Would you like to join me for the midday meal? I expect there is a lot we have to discuss,” she said.
I looked at Piper. She gave me a quick nod.
“That would be very generous of you,” I said.
“Alright, come on in. Get yourselves situated in the kitchen while I wash up,” she said, already heading for her cabin.