Page 32 of Agnarr's Jarlin
“Ah, so the human females are mind readers?” he said, curling up one lip.
“Nope, just used to the patriarchy,” I said coolly.
“The what?” he asked coldly.
“The patriarchy. Back in the States, many of the men in our society, and sadly some of the women, hold patriarchal values—the idea that men should be in power and women should be largely excluded from decision-making. So tell me, Magna, is it a human problem that you have, or is it a female problem?” I asked bluntly.
Magnar spluttered over his response to my very direct question, “I—I don’t have a female problem. I have served under Jarlin Astrid since Jarl Ulf passed on,” he exclaimed.
“Yes, but you’ve never given me the same deference you gave Ulf,” Astrid said in her own icy tone.
Ooh, this shit was about to go off.
“Have I ever questioned your decisions?” Magna asked Astrid.
“No, but you’ve made it clear that you’ve served under me begrudgingly since day one,” Astrid said.
Magna looked as if she’d slapped him.
“Wait. Hold, please. Jarlin Astrid lost her mate young–tragically–and then youquestioned her leadership?What a fucking tool,” I spat under my breath.
At this Magna looked genuinely perplexed.
Agnarr leaned over and whispered, “Pip, I think you may have used too much American slang in that one, no one has any idea what you just said.”
I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle my laughter. Even in a serious moment like this, confusing the orkin with American jargon was still my favorite thing. I took a breath to compose myself, before looking directly at Magna.
“So, Astrid lost her partner and since then you’ve disrespected her repeatedly. Further, you believe females should not be in leadership, regardless of race?” I asked Magna crisply.
Magna shifted in his seat, looking uncomfortable, unable to meet my gaze.
“Ahh, I am used to males like you. I met plenty of them during my career. Know this. As long as you continue to hold these misogynistic views, your sons will find no mates, orkin or human. Astrid has assured me that this tribe is founded on equality between males and females. Jarl Agnarr and I won’t have you tarnishing its reputation,” I said.
Now Magna looked as ifI’dslapped him.
“Misogynistic?” he asked, clearly perplexed.
“Yes, misogyny. Contempt for women. Clearly, you have it in spades. Next,” I said moving to the orc to the left of Magna.
Magna spluttered, trying to compose himself and I raised my voice over his stuttering, “I said,next,” ignoring Magna completely.
It was all I could do to keep my jaw from dropping to the table. Piper had just eviscerated Magna and then stepped over him as if he were nothing. I knew she was a force to be reckoned with, but seeing her command a room like this was something else entirely.
Vott, who sat next to Magna, smiled at Piper easily, “I’m Vott. I represent the guard. We are happy to accept the human women in any capacity they choose to join us.”
Piper eyed him skeptically.
“My warriors want mates, but they know that they will have to adhere to the expectations of the new jarl and jarlin to even be considered as appropriate mates for any of the humans,” he explained.
Piper nodded in approval, “I appreciate your perspective, Vott. Your warriors will do well with the humans if they adhere to your guidelines.”
Pip moved on to the next elder, Vigot. Vigot was the elder representing the farmers. I knew he was on the fence, but he looked pale after the treatment Magna received.
“I—I’m Vigot,” he stumbled over his words.
“And what group do you represent?” Pip asked.