Page 52 of Agnarr's Jarlin
“Alright. You can talk to Agnarr about it. But I have one request,” I said.
“And that is?”
“I absolutely do not want to do a garter toss. I think it’s gross and weird. Also, I am walking myself down the aisle. No one is giving me away. I am my own person, ” I explained.
“Noted,” she said with a laugh.
We continued down the path toward the longhouse for the midday meal. I felt myself unclench, at ease in Billie’s presence. She was a good choice as a second-in-command, in all ways.
The meeting with Astrid went well. She was pleased with the progress and was no longer concerned about the orkin acceptance of the humans now that Magna and his followers had left. All signs pointed toward a smooth transition. I relayed the decision to add Billie to the council of elders, and she was happy with the choice. Astrid agreed that Piper having another human to lean on for support would allow her to lead the tribe more effectively. I left Astrid’s home and headed to the longhouse.
I pushed open the double doors of the longhouse to find it full of orkin and humans alike enjoying the midday meal. I surveyed the room for my Pip, but Billie’s wild mane of hair caught my eyes first. She and Piper were sitting at a table full of humans, and I hesitated momentarily. I wasn’t sure if I should interrupt, but the desire to be near my mate was so strong that I grabbed some food and headed toward them. Pip looked up as I approached.
“Hello, my lovely lumbersnack,” she said, grinning. “We were just talking about you.”
At this, the table erupted in a fit of giggles.
“All good things, I hope?” I said as I took a seat.
“Only the best things,” Piper said mischievously.
Ah, it was one of those conversations. From what Piper had told me, many of the human women were desperate for more details about not only finding an Elksa mate but bedding an orc in general. At this point, she was the only human that had the details. I felt my face grow warm, knowing they were likely talking about my anatomy and our sex life, but I tried tamping it down to the best of my ability. This was all unknown to them. They had the right to ask questions. I dug into my plate of food, trying to ignore the obvious stares I was receiving.
Billie spoke first, of course, “Can you tell me, Agnarr, do all males have braided and ridged cocks, or is that just a you thing?”
I choked on the meat pie I was eating. I looked at Piper to see if she actually expected me to answer the question, and while her cheeks were flaming red, she just nodded in encouragement.
I managed to swallow my mouth full of food and took a swig of drink, trying to steady myself.
“While I can’t say I have seen all of my tribe members’ cocks up close, all orkin penises have a braided texture of some pattern. The pattern is different based on the male,” I mumbled, looking anywhere but Billie’s eyes.
“Hmmm,” Billie thrummed her fingers against her lips, “And is it true that orkin don’t kiss?”
Registering how hot my face felt, I knew I must be an intense shade of green.
“Well, I can’t say that I have asked any of the other males, but it definitely wasn’t something I had experienced before. It was a, um, a welcome surprise,” I finished, somewhat lamely.
“And is it true that Pip was your first blow job?” Billie continued, completely unabashed.
At this, Piper put her face in her hands, the redness of her skin matching the green of mine. “Billie,” she groaned.
“What? We need to know what we’re getting into,” Billie said, completely unapologetic.
“Yes, yes that is true,” I said, not giving anything further.
“But it’s normal for males to go down on their females?” another woman, whose name I didn’t know, piped up.
“Well. Given the nature of our cocks, it is necessary to ensure our females are wet and ready to take— er…to…proceed. That and most males I know find pleasuring their partner in that way quite enjoyable,” I explained, my voice coming out raspy.
“Enough, enough!” Piper said. She was a lovely shade of pink but smiling, “You’ve interrogated Agnarr enough for today. I promise I will make him available for more questions, but for now, can we let him eat?”
All of the women looked crestfallen that Pip had stopped the line of questioning, but they gave me a reprieve. I reached under the table and rested my hand on Pip’s thigh. She gripped my hand and grinned before returning to her food.
“Okay, so before we were so rudely interrupted, I believe we were discussing the progress on your new living quarters?” she said, giving Billie a rueful look.