Page 33 of Admittedly For Me
The guys all dressed in plaid shirts look better than damn catalog models. There’s something about country boys doing labor jobs, day in and out, that hits another level of hotness when it comes to muscles.
“Okay,” the photographer begins. “Get with your partners who you’ll be paired with.” Hallie hadn’t gone over couples, but knowing I planned this party with the best man, Ian is my buddy for these photos. Fuck.
“I think I prefer your other outfit before the party,” Ian murmurs, placing his hand on my shoulder as we pose.
“Well, you had the opportunity to enjoy more of it,” I whisper.
“Just because something is free, doesn’t mean I have to take it.” Would my cowboy boots hurt his feet if my tiny self stomped hard enough on them?
“And a towel is not a dress, dumbass,” I say as Hallie glares my way. “Sorry,” I whisper yell, and Ian gives my shoulder a squeeze.
We spend the next half hour taking photos around the property before we eat. Hallie’s cousin, Makenna, keeps eyeing Dax, but he doesn’t pay much attention to her.
“Makenna, get over him,” Hallie snaps, breaking her trance. “You just graduated high school. He’s not into you.”
“Just let me enjoy the little time I get to have with him, okay? It’s an innocent crush.” She blushes.
“Oh, I’m sure you’d let it go further.” Savannah laughs.
“He wouldn’t.” Makenna rolls her eyes with a pout. “After the wedding, he won’t even remember I exist.”
“As it should be.” Hallie gives her a pointed look.
“I’m going to go hang out with the guys by the goats.” Makenna stands, walking toward the field. I never pictured Rhett to be one to obsess over goats, but it’s quite cute.
We sit around the bonfire as the sun sets, and Ian strums on the guitar. Who knew he and Justin could actually sing. It’s does nothing to quell my body’s obvious need for him. The lightning bugs decorate the field and the crickets chirp along with the music. Time fades as the small talk continues. Savannah has been avoiding me and talking with Tyler about his daughter most of the night. I guess it’s keeping her mind busy. Hallie walks over to the porch and returns with a few bottles of liquor.
“Okay, game time!” I watch the guys share dreaded looks, but Justin glares their way. “More of a ‘get to know each other’ better than we think.” If this night wasn’t about Hallie, I’d be protesting up a damn storm. I’ve never enjoyed games. “Relax, it involves drinking, not an actual board game,” Hallie explains. “Never have I ever.”
“We aren’t fifteen anymore, Hallie.” Savannah laughs. “Plus, Emery will get so plastered again.” This feels so immature, and Hallie is pregnant. She’ll just pretend to be drunk, sipping water from her wine tumbler.
“Thanks for the confidence,” I snap, but am the only one who knows what she’s going through. “The questions can be about anything or targeted.”
“I have never played this game before.” Makenna’s youthful eyes light up as she looks around.
“I wouldn’t mind playing,” Dax says. “I always enjoy learning things about people.”
“You say that now.” Ian’s eyebrows raise. “I could get you drunk pretty quick with all the shit you’ve done through the years.”
“I’m a teacher now. I’ve toned it down.” Dax reaches for the liquor bottle and pours himself a shot before turning beside him to Makenna. “Yeah, you’re sticking with soda.”
“Ugh, whatever.” She rolls her eyes.
“If any of you are too drunk to leave, I have my studio apartment above the garage you can crash in. Or one of the few bedrooms in the house.” Rhett tosses another log onto the fire.
“I’ll start.” Tyler grabs our attention. “Never have I ever owned a bra.”
Us girls roll our eyes and take a sip. The game continues with ease as everyone becomes more intoxicated from basic questions. I cheat my sips because I can’t handle another drunk night and I’m already tipsy. Once the blood alcohol of everyone else settles in, the targets are more pointed. “Never have I ever used lumber to build something.” I can’t help myself and smirk as the guys take a drink.
Ian leans in closer, resting his arm on my chair as a few heads turn in our direction. “I’d cool it down on targeted questions before you get plastered, Daisy Girl.”
“Never have I ever had a one-night stand,” Makenna proudly says, glancing around to see who took a sip.
“Savannah, I’m pretty sure you need to drink.” I hear my voice raise a little louder than I intended.
“Nope. I’m proud to say that at twenty-three, I’ve been withtwoguys.”
“I’ll make an award for you.” I smile too dearly, in a form of sarcasm.