Page 43 of Admittedly For Me
“Do you go to therapy?”
“No, but I have my outlets and people to help get me through difficult moments,” I admit. “Chopping wood is a way to get out anger, and being in nature keeps my busy thoughts tamed.”
“I have my ways of coping.” She pauses, debating saying more. “I did try a meditation class with Savannah this morning, though.”
“How’d that go?”
“I didn’t hate it. I might do another class again this weekend. But I’ll think about talking to a stranger. Even though you relate more to the situation than probably anyone else.” There’s slight sarcasm in her tone as a defense, but she doesn’t fight me. “I can’t promise to follow through with anything when I get back to Aspen, though.”
Right, the place she can go back to closing everything off. I need her attention back to incentives.
“I can’t stop thinking about how you tasted the other night.” Maybe giving Emery what she thinks she needs, what she’s used to, might be the best option to help her emotionally open up even more.
“Is that so?” she draws out, her lips holding a daring smile. Slowly, I turn, mirroring her body. Her lips part, and a wink lures me in. But I know this game. I’ve played the ringmaster for years and know this move all too well. I’ll let her have the power, for now.
Placing the coaster on the table, I lean closer. Our gazes never shift from one another. Her knees resting at her chest part, allowing me to crawl between. Hovering above, I fight like hell to keep myself in control and not show my nerves. I want this moment, but have always pictured it differently. Her breath escapes, as if she is suddenly unsure of my actions. Still, she doesn’t stop me. Leaning down, my lips dusted over hers before I spoke. “Have dinner with me tomorrow.”
Emery cups the sides of my face, whispering against my mouth. “That’s not how this works.” Her head tilts just as her lips catch mine.
Her eyes open as I back away. “We are both stubborn. How about a give and take.” I start the wager. “We will do things your way, if you agree to do things my way.”
“A one-night stand doesn’t take this much planning.” Her lips articulate in aggravation. “I would know.”
“You do realize who you are talking to, right?” I chuckle. “My reputation in this town wasn’t the most modest after you left.”
“So, what exactly am I agreeing to?” Emery purses her lips.
“You’re saying yes to me taking you out for dinner before getting you in bed.”
“I don’t need you to wine and dine me. I need you to throw me against the wall and fuck me breathless.” My cock throbs, scolding me to just give her what she’s asking for.
“I knowyou’velost respect for yourself, but for my sake, I am going to have a nice evening with you first.” Standing, I take her hand. “You’ll want dinner to keep your strength up.” She stands and my sweatshirt hits her knees.
“Pick me up at six tomorrow. Don’t be late.” Her mouth drops with the fact she just gave in. She walks past me, pulling out her phone.
“Look at you, penciling me into your day.” I received a sly glance over her shoulder as she brings her phone to her ear.
“May I have a taxi––” I shake my head.
“Stay here tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch.” I wait for her to forget it. “I can drive you home.”
She walks off the back patio reciting my address. “The taxi is already on its way.”
“Since when did Beechwood Falls start a taxi service?” I’m pretty damn sure I’d see a taxi driving around town.
“Since all the summer tourism.” She heads toward the front of the house, and I pick up the coaster. I follow her down the driveway, and a minute later, and to my fucking surprise, a car appears.
“Goodnight, Ian. See you for ourdate.”Opening the car door for her, I tap on the driver’s window as she settles inside. “If you lay a hand on this woman or doanythingthat I wouldn’t approve of, you’ll fucking regret it.” The guy in his early twenties shakes his head nervously. “Understood?”
“Agreed, sir.”
“You’re Colton’s boy, right?”
“Yes.” Another nod.
“Okay, drive safe.” My smile is overdone, and I notice Emery smirking as her phone screen lights up her face in the back seat.
Saying goodbye,I open my truck’s passenger door and slip the coaster in the glove box. If Emery was using the coaster as her first and last graveyard visit, I’ll know when she is ready to find closure. A hint of her old self came through when she agreed to dinner. Hell, the fact that she was the one who labeled it a date says she is starting to open up.